

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Christiano

I am a graduate of The University of Florida and The University of South Florida.

I received my BS degree in 1989.  I have 20+ years of teaching experience.  I took a 9 year leave from teaching between 1999 to 2008 spending much of that time as part of the management team of Saturn of Tallahassee.


  • I’ve been married for the last 30+ years to my best friend.
  • I have 2 sons, 2 daughters, 1 daughter-in-law, 2 sons-in-law, and 2 grandsons and 1 granddaughter whom I love dearly.
  • We have 2 cats  (walking hairballs) 

    Hobbies / Interests

    Gearhead, knife maker & tool nut

    I LOVE to cook.

    Coffee (Yeah) (Lucky Goat is the BEST)

    C H O C O L A T E  (mmmmm...) (Dark)

    Tools ... I spend too much at Harbor Freight and Lowe's







































































When you look at your child's work and you see the letters SYW you may take pause and wonder, "what does 
SYW mean?"  SYW is a classroom prompt I use to remind students the importance of   Showing Your Work.  For instance, when we are looking at our math work from the previous day, and I ask, "How did you do that (which I do almost every time)?" You'll be able to quickly recount HOW you worked through that problem.  If I ask, "Did anyone do this differently?"  You'll be able to describe your alternate solution strategy.
The most important reason for 
SYWing comes to light when you miss a question.  What did you do wrong?  Where did I make my error, because I set up the problem correctly?  How do I explain this issue to the teacher?  None of these can occur, if you don't know what you did EXACTLY.

I remind the class every time we get a test or quiz back, that I can't see how to help you if you don't 
SYW.  I can't give you partial credit on a question if I don't see that you had that problem set up correctly, or that you did the first 2 steps properly but made a mistake on the 3rd part.  I can give partial credit if you do do those things.

SYW ... if you're not doing it, you're doing the math wrong.

SYT... in science, it's Show Your Thinking.  With our focus on Claims/Evidence/Reasoning this year, I will be continually asking your children to EXPLAIN their thinking.  One word answers aren't enough to explain the thought process behind scientific claims.  Our focus for the first part of the year will be to learn the differences and connections between observations (the key to doing science), and claims.  Along the way we'll dig deep into putting voice to the thinking (reasoning) needed to move from observation to making claims that can be tested. 
  & SYT, Two vital skills

Sleep...  Why are my students sleeping in class...?  

Besides the teacher being a bore (which I can be sometimes) students sleep in class for a variety of reasons:

-Not enough sleep at night (Sleep study data)

-Dietary needs (Dietary study and sleep Data)

-Medical issues.  (Pediatric Sleep disorder study data)




Last Modified on August 6, 2024