- Oak Ridge Elementary
- Handbook
- Page 13
Employee Info
Page Navigation
- Handbook
- MTSS Summary Forms 2015
- Duty Assignment Logistics
- Afternoon Duty Schedule
- Cafeteria Behavior Plan
- FOCUS Operational Guidelines
- Data Collection Form
- Parent-Teacher Conference Info Form
- Activity Prior Approval Form
- District Field Trip Form
- Medical Info form for Field Trips
- Order Request Form
- Comp Time Form
- Grade Override Form
- Report Card Handbook
- Classroom Technology Resouce List
- ORES Language Referral Process and Checklist
Page 13
Report Cards
Teachers are to use the guidelines and instructions for report cards found in the Pupil Progress Handbook. Positive, informative and constructive comments will be expected on all report cards. Report cards will be read by the administration each nine-week period.
Steps for report card printing:
- Report Card Checklists should be turned in by the specified date for each nine-week grading period.
- Report Card Checklists will be returned to teachers with comments.
- Teachers are to make corrections as noted and notify administrators that the changes were made.
- Administrators will print report cards and place them in teachers’ boxes.
- Once report cards are printed, it is the teacher’s responsibility to pick them up from the front office.
ESE teachers should include the ESE statement on all ESE students’ report cards.
Safety Inspections
Throughout the year, safety inspections will be conducted. Remember that you are to:
- Keep fire extinguishers clear of all furniture, children, etc.
- Leave a clear aisle to the outside doors and emergency window
- Have the evacuation route, class roster and emergency procedures posted by the door
- Keep classroom door locked if you have an outside classroom door.
Administration will complete a master schedule, which will be given to grade level teams. The class schedule will be posted in each classroom.
Lunch and Special Area
Master lunch and special area schedules will be given out during pre-planning week. Updated schedules will be issued, if needed, once the school year begins. Teachers are required to turn in their classroom schedule by the last day of pre- planning.
School Day
- First bell - 8:25 a.m.
- Tardy bell - 8:30 a.m. (all students in class ready for instruction)
- WOAK begins - 8:40 a.m.
- Dismissal times:
- K, 1: 2:40
- 2: 2:42
- 3: 2:44
- 4: 2:46
- 5: 2:48
- School-Wide Dismissal bell - 2:50 p.m.
- Please do not hold students after the 2:50 bell.
- Work day begins at 7:45
- Report for morning duty to supervise students – no later than 7:45 a.m.
- Workday ends – 3:15 p.m.
Faculty Meetings
- Third Thursdays of each month, see master schedule
- Please, keep all Thursday afternoons free, as our school will make every effort to keep all committees and meetings on that day.