- Hartsfield Elementary
- Special Area Home
- Ms. Sandlin (Art)
Ms. Sandlin's Class
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Fine Arts Master of Science in Art Education
Ms. Sandlin
Hello everyone!
Welcome to Ms. Sandlin's Virtual Art Room! This is going to be our classroom for the next couple of weeks and I am so excited to be making art with all of you again.
This is where you can find your assignments and activities to inspire your creativity.
You'll also find a celebration station where I will be highlighing art sent in by our students every week! Art can be sent in through email or the google voice number!
Each Week, I will be highlighting art made by our very own students!
I will choose students from every grade who have either emailed or messaged me a picture of one of their artworks from the week before. Don't forget to email me your art if you want it posted!
This week I am celebrating your parents for working hard to help teach you all from home! Thank you for the effort you are making. We know this transition is hard, but the children are worth it all.
From First Grade,
He drew his home from outside and did a great job doing it!
Week Of: 5/18-5/22
Welcome to the last week of virtual lessons!
I am very sad to see the school year come to and end in this way.
I hope you all have fun with this last week of lessons, I made sure all the assignments are wacky and fun!
For monday, I want you guys to think of two different animals.
Today's drawing assignment is going to be to combine any two animals you want in a drawing. You can draw them how you think they would look if those animals were real.
I decided to combine a butterfly and a wolf to make a "butterwolf-fly".
I want you guys to also name the animal depending on what their names combined would be like.
Here is a photo of what mine looked like when I had finished drawing it, and what it looked like once I had colored it in all the way. My video would not upload but I will keep trying!
I hope you all have a fun time combining!
Welcome to the collaborative Special Area Tuesday Lesson!
Today, we are going to design an obstacle course using objects that we have in and outside of our house.
An Obstacle Course is : a series of objects that people in a race have to jump or climb over, go around, go under, etc.
When you design something, you are planning out what you want to do.
So the first step is planning out what you want to use in your house.
I collected multiple things that I can use. I am using a lot to show you all a wide variety of options.
But my materials are just what I have! Yours may be completely different and that is okay.
I want you all to come up with at least five obstacles to run in the course.
Collect materials from around the house, then draw your design.
Link to Ms. Sandlin's design drawing
Here is my design after it was all drawn out!
You'll notice I did a step by step drawing, with arrows showing where I will go, and words saying what I would do. This is a completed design.
Later today, I am going to set up this course and run it! You guys will get to see a video of that later too!
I encourage you to challenge multiple people in your house to do it with you if they are able and want to.
Have fun while doing it but don't forget to clean up your mess and put away anything that you used after you are done!
Happy designing and running!
Here is my video! I had a very fun time making this lesson and doing it.
I hope you guys had fun as well!
Watch Ms. Sandlin run her obstacle course!
Welcome to wednesday!
Today's lesson is going to be my last challenge for you!
I want you to draw a portrait of yourself using the hand you don't normally draw with.
If you are right handed, use your left.
If you are left handed, use your right!
What you'll want to do is look in a irror while you draw so you can see what you look like.
It will not be a perfect drawing but that is the fun in it! My portrait doesn't look exactly like me but it was a fun challenge.
I am having such a hard time uploading videos, I will try something else to see if that works.
Here is what it looked like when I was done drawing it, coloring it in, and what I looked like in the mirror. I even tried to color it in with my left hand!
Have a fun time drawing all your cute faces!
WEEK OF: 5/10-5/15
Welcome back to another week!
I apologize again for any delays, my laptop has not been working.
Just two weeks left!
Monday Madness again!
For today, I want you guys to draw something without looking at your paper.
In art, we call this a blind contour.
I want you to choose an object that you would like to draw. Set up your paper so that you cannot see it while you are drawing your chosen object.
I chose to draw a cactus pillow that I have on my couch. It has a small spider on it for decoration.
Link to Ms. Sandlin's Example video
Here is a picture of the pillow, and what it looked like when I had finished coloring it in with crayons.
I hope you guys have a fun time drawing! Trust your eyes while you are looking! Some of the drawings are going to look funny and that's okay!
Make sure you are actually drawing when you start before you look away or you'll do what I did!
Talented Tuesday!
Welcome back to another Tuesday Lesson!
Today is one that will chanllenge your brain!
I want you to ave a family member or guardian or friend choose an object for you. I want them to put that object into a bag that you can not see into. After that, place your hand into the bag with the hand you don't draw with.
Spend a minute or two feeling the object and then start to draw what you feel on the paper.
I had my roommate choose the item and she placed it into a lunchbox I had.
Link to Ms. Sandlin's Example video
She chose a toy pig and I tried my best to draw what I felt without peeking. Here is what she chose, how my hand looked in the lunchbox, and what it looked like when I was done coloring it.
Again, these are going to look a little funny when you are done!
I want you guys to challenge your brains!
For the people that are choosing the objects, consider the age of the student. Don't go too simple for a fifth grader, or too complicated for a kindergartener.
Happy thinking!
Wacky Wednesday!
Alright everyone, half way through the week!
Today, I want you do do a back and forth drawing game with somebody that you live with!
I want you to spend thirty seconds drawing something, before giving it to someone else for thirty seconds.
Do this back and forth twenty times for a total of ten minutes of drawing. This will total five minutes of drawing for each person.
You can draw whatever you want!
Link to Ms. Sandlin and Roommate's Example video
My roommate and I teamed up and we ended up drawing a male nurse who is holding Hartsfield balloons and in from of a picture of a clown. We only drew for five minutes for the sake of filming, but I want you guys to go a full ten minutes.
We also ended up coloring it together!
I want you guys to work on a piece of art with someone else, it helps you with sharing, and not being so worried about being perfect!
Have fun and let go! These drawings always end up surprising and fun!
WEEK OF: 5/4-5/8
Welcome back to another week of virtual education!
This is another week about you!
I hope you have been enjoying these assignments as much as I have enjoyed making them. Tuesday is the specific day for art where I have more detailed lessons, but feel free to do the ones from other days if you want.
Monday Madness!
For today's assignment, I want you to think about an activity that you do with your family.
It can be something you do all the time, like eat together, or it can be your favorite activity that you do together, like celebrating a holiday.
I decided to draw my family and I roasting marshmallows around the fire to make s'mores. My parents live in Texas, but when I get to see them, we always have a fire and make s'mores.
Link to Ms. Sandlin's Example drawing
Here is the drawing once I had finished coloring it in:
I hope you have a good time imagining!
If you can't think of a family activity, draw something else you do with your friends.
Happy drawing!
Totally awesome Tuesday!
Welcome back everyone!
Today, we are going to be making a small comic of what you do during the day during quarantine!
I want you to think of five activities that you do every day!
The first video I have is showing how you can set up a page for a comic book.
I divided the page into five different sections. You can use a ruler or anything that has a hard edge.
Link to Ms. Sandlin's Example set up video
After you have set up your pages, I want you to draw the five things you do during a day in those boxes. One activity for one box.
The activities I chose are:
1. Making a video and working from home.
2. Walking the dog.
3. Playing cards with my roommate.
4. Cooking food.
5. Washing the dishes.
The video for this will not upload, but here is a photo of what the comic looked like once it was finished and once it was all colored in.
Make sure to include a sentence saying what the activity is underneath the drawing.
I hope you all have a good time drawing your day!
Until tomorrow, best wishes!
Wild Wednesday!
Sorry for the delay in updating, I am having some computer issues, but am trying my best to work around that.
For today's lesson, I want you to draw your favorite meal!
Try your best to think of a meal that has all of the healthy parts like what Coach Fountain taught us.
For mine, I focused on breakfast.
I included cinnamon swirl pancakes, bacon, potatoes, strawberries, and orange juice.
Try to include at least three parts to your favorite meal!
Here are the photos of what mine looked like when it was done being drawn.
I hope you all have a great time drawing!
This Thursday I want you guys to go and sit in your favorite room of the house!
Take about five minutes to just look around the room and notice what you like about it.
After that, I want you to draw that room.
I decided to draw my kitchen because I love to cook and spend time in there making new things. Especially since the quarantine, I have been cooking up a storm!
So I included details such as the towels we have, the captain america cutting board I have, some flowers, and other items.
I want you to include at least three things that you keep in that room.
Now, silly me drew the whole drawing and finished it, only to realize I wasn't recording at all!
So instead of a video where you watch me draw, today you are getting a video where I am coloring in what I drew.
Here is a link to watch me color the drawing in
Here is what it looked like before and after I colored it in:
So remember, take some time to sit quietly in your favorite room before you draw so you can go into the drawing with a plan of what you like about the room.
Have a good time drawing!
WEEK OF: 4/27-5/1
Monday Mania!
Welcome back to our third week! Time is flying by! This week is about things you like do do and more about you!
Today I want you guys to think of superheros!
I want you to draw yourself as a superhero. You can choose any power you would like! For my power, I chose the power to control art supplies with my mind! That way I can always get what I need!
Here is a link to my example video:
Link to Ms. Sandlin's example drawing video
Step One: Draw the body shape and pose
Step Two: Draw the superhero clothes
Step Three: Draw the face
Step Four: Add the details and designs
Step Five (optional): Add background details.
Here is what my drawing look liked when it was finished, and once it was colored.
I also found a website that allows you to watch step by step tutorials:
Here is the link to the Superhero Drawing Tutorials website
Have a super time drawing my little heroes!
Terrific Tuesday!
Today we are continuing on with the superhero theme! I want you guys to think of your favorite teacher at Hartsfield. Then think of what their superpowers would be if they were a superhero! Once you have that idea in mind, I want you to draw them as a hero and you as their side kick!
My hero teacher is from college. Her name was Denise. I gave her the power of being in two places at once because she was always so busy. She also has twins and her favorite color is purple.
I decided to name her hero Double Trouble.Link to Ms. Sandlin's example video
Here are examples of what it looked like when I had finished drawing it, and how it looked after I added details and color:
When you are drawing a person:Step one: Draw the head, neck, and shoulders.
Step two: Draw the arms.
Step three: Draw the body.
Step four: Draw the legs and feet
Step five: Go back over it and add the face details, hand details, and clothes!
I find it can be helpful to look up photos of some of your favorite superheroes and look at their costumes for designs.
I have also included the link for step by step examples of superheroes being drawn:Link to Superhero Drawing tutorials
You can also use this site to see how to draw a person!
I hope you all have a super awesome time drawing!Wonderful Wednesday!
This week is about you and some fun!
So today I want you to think about what you and your friends like to do together.
Once you think of what you like to do, think about how you want to draw it. You can include your friend's faces, their hands, or just what it is you like to do.
My friends and I like to play games and cards together so I drew a picture of us playing the game Sorry.
Link to Ms. Sandlin's Example drawing
Here is what it looked like when I was finished, and when I was done coloring it:
I hope you guys have a fun time thinking of your fun times with friends.
Soon we'll all be back together again with our friends.
Thinking Thursday!
Hi everyone and welcome to Thursday!
Today, I want you guys to think of your favorite book. After you do that, I want you to draw your favorite character/person/animal from that book!
My favorite book is the Crayon Box that Talked. My favorite characters are the whole crayon box because they found out how to work together even though they were different!
Link to Ms. Sandlin's video example
Here are my example once I was finshed drawing and when I finished coloring it in!
I hope you all have a good time thinking of your favorite book characters!
Happy reading and happy drawing!
Flying to Friday!
We have made it to the end of our third week! We only have three left to go!
Good job for continuing to work!
Today I want to recall last Friday's lesson where we learned about bird's eye view and a worm's eye view.
Today we are just focusing on the bird's eye view!
Here is a link to watch me explain Bird's Eye Perspective
I want you to imagine that we are flying above Tallahassee, looking down on all of our favorite spots.
When I drew my own picture of Tallahassee from above, I put in there what I would want to see.
I included my house, a park I go to, Publix, Hartsfield, and FSU's Doak Campbell Stadium.
I want you all to include your house, Hartsfield, A store you go to, A park you go to, and anything else that you love about Tallahassee.
I am going to include a link to a map of Tallahassee so you can see some buildings from above:
Satellite Map of Tallahassee Link
Here are some photos I took for my own drawing for reference, and some that can be used by you guys.
You can scroll over the images to see where those places are.
Link to Ms. Sandlin's Example drawing video
Here is my own example!
And here is a photo of what it looked like when I finished coloring it:
I hope you all have a fun time imagining you are flying over the city!
Have a fun and safe weekend everybody!
WEEK OF: 4/20-4/24
Welcome back to another week of virtual art. I hope you have been enjoying the assignments. I know I have enjoyed making these lessons for you all.
This week is going to be about connecting with the outside world. Even though we are at home isolating, time outside can help you clear your head and relax.
Monday welcomes you again!
Today, the lesson is going to connect last week's theme with this week's.
Last week was about you!
So today, I want you to go outside and draw where you live from the front.
I drew my own apartment, sitting outside on a stool.
Just like last week, I've included a video of me doing the project.
Link to Ms. Sandlin's house drawing video
Here are some pictures of what I was looking at, as well as what my drawing looked like when I colored it in with some crayons.
Don't forget to send me pictures of your work!!
Happy drawing lovelies!
Tuesday week Two!
Welcome to the second tuesday of the distance learning!
Today, we are going to be learning about landscapes, and see examples of how they are drawn.
A Landscape is the visible parts of an area of land, it's landforms, and human made elements like buildings around it.
Here are some example photos of different landscapes:
Your assignment today takes you outside again. I want you to go outside and look around for an area of land that you find pretty.
Here you are going to sit, look at what you want to draw, and put it onto your paper.
I have included my own exmple video here:
Link to Ms. Sandlin's example landscape drawing
Here is the area of land that I was looking at in my video:
I hope you all enjoy drawing your lovely landscapes. Don't forget to enjoy the fresh air outside while you are at it.
Until tomorrow, happy drawing to all my artists!
Wednesday halfway!
We are halfway through the second week of our online learning today!
I am going to challenge you a bit today.
I want you all to go outside, look at something in nature that you like.
This could be a plant, a flower, a tree, a bush, or anything else you see outside. When you are picking something, don't worry about what is going on behind it in the background. I want you to focus on remembering only the plant or object in nature you want to draw.
Then I want you to go back inside, and draw the plant from memory.
Do your best!! I believe in you!
Once you are done, take your drawing outside and look at the difference between the two!
Here is a link to my own example.
Link to Ms. Sandlin's Example Video
And here is the photo of the plant I was drawing, as well as what it looked like after I colored it.
I also had some friends join in on the fun!
Here are there drawings and the plant they looked at.
The one on the left is done by another art teacher and the one on the right is done by a security guard with less art experience.
I hope you guys have fun using that big brain of yours!
Thinker Thursday is here!
I hope you guys have been enjoying the time drawing outside.
Today we are going to switch it up a bit.
Instead of using the traditional materials to draw with, we are going to go around outside and look for things that we can use to make a drawing.
Now when I say make a drawing with it, I don't mean using a stick as a pencil. Instead, act like the stick is a line that you can draw with.
The first thing I did was think about what I want to make using the stuff I find. I like flowers so I wanted to make a rose and a cup to hold it.
Then I went out and collected sticks, some orange leaves, and some yellow/green leaves.
(I want you guys to note that I did not pluck any flowers or take sticks or leaves off of a tree. Don't destroy something to make this project, use what is already available and loose on the ground.)
After that, I took my time moving all the objects I had found to make the flower and the vase.
Here is a link to my example video:
Drawing with Nature Example video link
And here is a picture of what it looked like after I was all finished:
Take your time and have fun with this assignment.
You can make anything you want as long as you are using the natural supplies you found off the ground.
Happy forming!
Friday Frenzy!
Welcome back everyone and congratulations on making it to the end of our second week.
I am very proud of us and you for working so hard!
Today, we are wrapping up our week outside with a drawing from above!
Today you are going to learn the difference between two types of perspectives.
A Perspective is the angle or direction which a person looks at an object. There are two types we will learn about today.
One is Bird's Eye View: This is seeing things from above like how a bird sees everything when it flies. This is the view that we see when we are looking down at our feet. And this is the view that we are going to be using today when we look down at a plant and our feet.
The other one is Worm's Eye View: This is seeing things from a low point on the ground like how a worm sees the world. When we look up at tall buildings we see from a worm's eye perspective.
Here is a video with me explaining the differences:
Link to Ms. Sandlin's Lesson Instruction
So what I want you guys to do today, is go outside, and take about ten steps in any direction, and draw what you see when you look down. I want you to include your feet in the drawing as well. When you draw while looking down, your feet will look much smaller.
Here is my example video:
Link to Ms. Sandlin's example video
I have also included a picture of what I was looking at, the colored finished version, and a picture of what I look like when I am filming for you all for some fun.
I hope you all enjoyed your time outside this week!
Stay safe and stay clean everyone, until next week,
Happy art-making!
WEEK OF: 4/13-4/17
Welcome, welcome everyone!
Each day there will be a different video uploaded and linked to the online learning assignment for the day.
This week is about you!
Monday, I want you all to look in a mirror and draw what you see!
Here is my own example I did with a pencil and then colored in with some crayons.
Ms. Sandlin's Self Portrait Example Link
I included a picture of the mirror I set up, and the final colored piece. I included my gumball earrings too as a final detail.
Have fun and enjoy drawing your beautiful self.
Send me a photo when youre done to my email!
Happy drawing!
Tuesday Time!
This lesson is going to be all about drawing a portrait of what you want to be when you grow up!
I always wanted to be an Elementary Art Teacher, so being your teacher here at Hartsfield is a dream come true!
Here included is a couple of different resources.
This is a good video to see how portraits have been done throughout history.
I have created an account for BrainPop to be used:
USERNAME: mssandlinart
PASSWORD: artwithhart20Here is the link for my example:
Draw your future self example link
And here are a few photos after I added details and color.
In this time we are going through, even though we are all apart, we are all still the same.
It is okay to make mistakes, we learn from them.
Happy drawing my big dreamers!
Wednesday welcomes you!
Today I want you guys to think of your favorite animal.
(Mine is a velociraptor, which is a kind of dinosaur.)
After you do that, draw what that animal would look like dressed up in your clothes.
Here is the link for my example:
Draw yourself as an animal video example link
I drew mine and then I colored it in with some crayons. I dressed it up in one of the outfits I wear to work, and added some earrings to it as well.
Here is the final drawing:
Have fun and be creative!
Happy imagining!
Thursday is here!
I hope you all have been enjoying your projects!
Today's assignment is about you again.
I want you to take the letters of your first name, and think of animals, or things that start with the letters of your name.
For example, I did mine:
I have also included a picture of mine when it is all colored in as well!
If you enjoy it, do it with your family's or friend's names.
Happy drawing!
Friday fun times!
Welcome to the end of our first week of virtual learning!
Today's lesson is a silly one.
I want you all to look in the mirror and draw a self portrait again like Monday, but this time, make a funny face! I want you to do your best to draw that face.
Here is my example:
Link to Ms. Sandlin's funny face drawing
Here I have also included the finished piece all colored in, and the face I was making in the mirror for reference.
Try and think of the funniest faces you can!
Have fun and enjoy your weekend!
WEEK OF: 4/13-4/17
Draw a self portrait while looking in a mirror.
Draw yourself all grown up and in your dream job. What are you doing? What is your uniform? Draw as many details as possible.
Draw your favorite animal dressed up in your favorite outfit. Include shoes, hair, clothes, and any accessories (bracelets, earrings, hats, etc.) you usually wear.
Draw your name using objects that start with the letters of your name. (EX: Sandlin: S-Snake; A-Ant; N-Necklace; D-Dinosaur; L-Lion; I-Ice Cream; N-Net.)
Draw a self portrait in the mirror making a funny face.
WEEK OF: 4/20-4/24
Draw a picture of your house from the outside.
Go outside, observe nature, find a spot you like and draw a landscape.
(A landscape means an area of land as you can see it)WEDNESDAY
Go outside and look at a plant (a flower, a tree, a bush, a leaf, etc.). Go back inside and draw what you remember seeing. When done, go back out and compare them.
Go outside and collect leaves and sticks. Use these to make a drawing outside.
Go outside and walk ten steps in any direction. Look down and draw what you see. Include your feet in the drawing.
WEEK OF: 4/27-5/1
Draw yourself as a superhero. What is your power? What is your logo?
Draw your favorite teacher as a superhero. What is their power? What is their logo? Draw your superhero from earlier as their sidekick.
Draw you and your friends doing your favorite activity together.
Draw your favorite book character.
Imagine you’re flying above Tallahassee. What do you see? Draw it.
WEEK OF: 5/4-5/8
Draw your family doing your favorite family activity.
Divide a paper into five sections. Draw a comic showing five things (activities) you do in a day during the quarantine.
Draw your favorite meal.
Draw yourself sitting in your favorite room in the house.
Add as many details as possible.
Draw a map of your neighborhood. Make sure to include all of your favorite spots.
WEEK OF: 5/10-5/15
Do a blind contour drawing. (Look at an object and have your paper beside you so you cannot see it. Draw what you see not lifting your pencil. Only look when you are done drawing.)
Have a family member choose an object for you. Have them put it into a bag so you can’t see it. Reach your hand into the bag and draw only what you feel. No Peeking!! Compare the drawing and the object when done.
Back and forth drawing game. Find someone to draw with. Draw for 30 seconds and then give it to them to add onto the drawing. Every thirty seconds switch. Keep adding to the drawing. Go for ten minutes total. (20 switches in all)
Draw a picture of anything only using straight lines. No curves allowed.
Scribble drawing. Draw a quick scribble on a piece of paper. Now look at that scribble and turn it into something else. (Ex: a person, an animal, a food, etc.)
WEEK OF: 5/17-5/22
Combine two animals and make a new one. Draw a picture of what you think it would look like. What is it called?
Using objects found around your house, design an obstacle course outside. Draw what you created. Run the course and invite others too. Clean up and put everything away when done.
Imagine aliens landed in your neighborhood. Draw what happens after they land.
Draw a portrait of yourself looking in a mirror using the hand you don't normally draw or write with.
Find an old drawing and redo it.