Phone: 850-922-6545


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Patricia Kilcoyne

Mrs. Kilcoyne has been teaching in Leon County for twenty-nine years. This will be her 30th and final year. She has currently been at Deerlake for fourteen years and teaches eighth grade U.S. History and sixth grade World History. Mrs. Kilcoyne is very involved at Deerlake with teaching and leading FCA. She is very passionate about teaching and believes that all students can excel.

Mrs. Kilcoyne is married to Dan Kilcoyne with three lovely children named Thomas, Daniel, and Mary. Thomas is a land surveyor (like our first president), he is married and has two beautiful daughters. Daniel is an HVAC/Refrigeration specialist and has a son named Fain Weston Kilcoyne. Mary, the baby, is a Registered Nurse working in Labor and Delivery while she completes her educational career to earn her doctorate in Nursing Practice. 

For fun, Mrs. Kilcoyne loves to travel and has been to ten different countries with Ireland being her favorite vacation spot. She also loves to read books, watch movies, and complete puzzles in her spare time. She also loves plants and has multiple types of gardens at home. However, her very favorite past-time is hanging out with her three gradchildren!

You can contact Mrs. Kilcoyne by email at or phone at 850-922-6545. She will get back with you as soon as possible. You can also find all classwork and lessons on her Canvas page.