Phone: (850) 922-6545


Degrees and Certifications:

DEGREES: B.A. History (Florida State University) M.S. Social Science Ed. (Florida State University) CERTIFICATIONS: 6-12 Social Studies

Mr. Cartwright

Welcome to the "OHANA" Family!!  I am so happy to have you join our family here at Deerlake and I hope that your 8th grade year is amazing!  I have been teaching either U.S. History or Florida History for 34 years here in Leon County and I'm excited to have you share this journey! 

In my "OHANA" Family, you will be studying United States History. We will be focusing our studies on how our country evolved from a rugged wilderness inhabited by only Native American tribes into rich and valuable territories of the British and Spanish empires, and finally into a powerful independent nation. Throughout the course, we will also focus on Florida’s history and the impact it has had on our nation’s history as well. We will also explore how the United States government dealt with both internal and external conflicts from its very beginning in 1789 until 1877 (touching on current issues). Our main objective will be to determine how these early historical events, and Florida’s history, have molded the United States into the nation it is today.

When thinking about the importance of learning about our nation's history, remember that "Who We ARE Is Who We WERE"...

On a personal level, I am a die-hard turkey hunter.  If I am not in the classroom with you, I am in the woods or on the farm either driving the tractor or running the chainsaw getting ready for the next hunting season!  When I'm not outdoors working, I'm a loyal Florida State Seminoles football fan and watch every game.


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