


                                                                 Welcome to 6TH Grade

    I am so excited about this school year.  We will have a fantastic time! There is a lot to learn and many hands-on experiments to enjoy. I hope students learn to be interested in Science. I don't expect all students to love it, just be open to the possibilities.


    PLEASE UPDATE EMAIL AND PHONE NUMBERS on FOCUS Website.  I send notifications communicate via email. 

    ALL assignments and weekly syllabus are on canvas.  The best way to stay notified of classwork, is to have your child log onto your computer using their canvas information. You should be able to see everything they see.
    GRADES are on Focus not Canvas

     A tentative plan of the units we are studying this year.

     1st Quarter-  The Nature of Science- no book
                          Unit 1-Energy 
                          Unit 2 Force and Motion
     2nd Quarter- Continue Force and Motion and
                          Unit 3  Earth's Systems            
    3rd  Quarter- Unit 6- Earth Structures,
                          Unit 4- Energy in the Atmosphere
                                      and Ocean Patterns
                          Unit 5- Weather and Climates
    4th Quarter-  Life Science-
                          Units 7 Living Things 
                          Unit 8, Cells and Cell Systems,

        Animal Kindness sprinkled throughout the year.






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