•  Welcome to Mrs. Smith's Kindergarten Class!

    Crocs Rock!   Our classroom is located in room 309, in the Kindergarten wing. I am so excited to have the opportunity to be your child's teacher! I have already implemented several ways for us to stay in close contact. Last week I sent out invites for Remind application and many of you responded, thank you. This will be our main link to each other. Remind will allow us to text and call each other directly. If you have not received an invite to join Remind, please contact me immediately and I will be happy to help! I also sent out an email last week to each family for an additional way to stay connected. Please, reply back to the email to let me know our email connection is valid. You can also contact me by calling the school number at (850)487-1216. This website and Teams/Zoom US platform will be two more ways we can communicate.  

    My website will be kept current and you can always contact me through Remind anytime or by email: smithk6@leonschools.net if you have questions.


    Thank you,

    Mrs. Smith