• Kate Sullivan's School Advisory Council  

    The 2023-2024 officers are:  

    • TBA,  President

    • TBA, Secretary 

    *SAC meets 3-4 times a year.  Meetings will be scheduled once the elections are held. 

    What Does SAC Do?

    • Each Florida school is required to involve the community in the process of improving student learning. Commonly known as "school improvement," this process is an ongoing examination of the programs, activities, instruction, administration and other areas at the school which lead to improving teaching and learning. This can be done through two separate councils: School Advisory Council (SAC) and SITE Based Decision Making Council (SITE) or by a combined SITE/SAC.

    • SAC is created by Florida Statute 229.58, enacted in 1991. The Leon County School Board has enacted rules pertaining to SAC consistent with the statute creating SAC. The function of SAC is to assist in the development, monitoring and evaluation of the school improvement plan. SAC may also provide assistance as requested by the principal in preparing the school's annual budget and plan.

    How Does SAC Do It?

    • First, SAC must develop or review the school's core values and beliefs. The School Board's mission and beliefs, purpose and philosophy should be used as guides.

    • Second, a vision or mission is developed, consistent with those of the School Board. It is reviewed annually to ensure that it clearly reflects the direction in which the school is going to be moving.

    • Third, a needs assessment is conducted. This assessment assists SAC in determining the gap between where the school is and where it wants to be. This is based upon data that is important for improving teaching and learning in the school. SAC must review the school's status in relation to each of the Blueprint 2000 goals. Although objectives do not have to be written for each of the seven goals, possible needs pertaining to each goal must be considered.

    • Fourth, goals are developed and updated annually by SAC. Goals are a test of whether they directly support the school's mission and beliefs.

    • Fifth, objectives are developed annually that relate to the goals and identified needs of the community.

    • Finally, a school improvement plan is submitted for approval annually. SAC develops and approves a plan, submits it to SITE for review, evaluation and feedback, then sends it to the School Board for approval. The plan must include the school's mission, goals, objectives, indicators of student progress, strategies and evaluation criteria and measures of student performance. The more specific the plan, the better the chance for full implementation. Multi-year plans, updated annually, are acceptable.

    Funds are allocated annually to each school to be used at the discretion of the SAC to develop and/or implement their school improvement plans, including training. A budget for these funds must be approved by the SAC and spending allocated with appropriate written justification. The budget is due by early Fall.