- Hartsfield Elementary
- First Grade Home
- Ms. Evans
First Grade
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Ms. Trinise Evans' Class
It is with pleasure that I welcome you to our class page! Here, is where you can receive information regarding your class assignments and view our classroom celebrations. Please become acquainted with our page and stay safe. I wish you all well.
Let's Celebrate!
Congratulations to these students for reaching their green light on REFLEX. Keep up the hard-work!
Aria C.
Tiger B.
Makai H.
Autumn H.
Makayla M.
Alyssa U.
Congratulations to these students for completing IReady! You did it.
Tiger B.
Kelvin F.
Autumn H.
Have any questions?
Confused? View the skills!
Week of: April 13-April 17 Learning videos
ELA (essential question & vocabulary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMHL2CBTFZc
ELA (prefixes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbT1PlZS0io
Math (Chapter 8:two-digit addition & subtraction): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efAkQyA6O8w
Week of: April 20-24 learning videos
ELA (essential question, spelling & vocabulary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7ug0B68ll0
ELA (Open syllables): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epk-hnVC10k
Week of: April 29- May 1 learning videos
ELA (Inflectional endings): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nipQ0bNcpBg
Week of: May 4-May 8 learning videos
ELA (essential question, spelling, & vocabulary):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMXqS3a273Y&feature=youtu.be
ELA (compound words): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U0OBDRvkKo
Math (telling time):
Week of May 11-15 learning videos
ELA Irregular Verbs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwkM2iTudSg)
Spelling: Spelling for this week
Math (telling time):
Week of May 18-22 learning videos
Close out: https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/3fde80af-ec80-4278-9435-b7cb3f4e21bc
Paper-Based & Online Learning
Brain Smart Start
Week of April 13-April 17
Monday, April 13,
Paper-Based Learning:
1.Complete vocabulary sheet
- Write spelling words 3x each.
- Read decodable book titled “Ants can help” located on page 167 of reading packet and complete graphic organizer on page 166.
4. Complete pages 163, 164, and 172 of reading packet.
5.Inside your Reading/Writing Workshop story book packet, read A Team of Fish 38-47.
Tuesday, April 14,
Paper-Based Learning:
- Orally review vocabulary words
2.Complete pages 165& 169 of reading packet
- Write a sentence using each spelling word.
- In a journal, respond to the following topic: What are some ways in which you believe animals can help each other? Essay response should contain 4 or more sentences.
5. Complete worksheet titled “Prefixes”.
6.Inside your Reading/Writing Workshop story book packet, reread A Team of Fish 38-47.
Wednesday, April 15,
Paper-Based Learning:
- Review oral vocabulary
- Write spelling words in ABC order.
- Complete pages 170&173 in reading packet.
Do worksheet titled “Prefixes Un- and Re-“.
4. Inside your Literature Anthology story book packet, read Animal Teams pgs. 36-53.
Thursday April 16,
1.Review oral vocabulary.
- Write spelling words in rainbow letters.
- Finish any uncomplete pages in reading packet.
- Do prefix activity titled “Prefix pre- “.
5. In your journal respond to the following question: How did the ants from “Ants can help” help one another?
6.Inside your Literature Anthology story book packet, read Animal Teams pgs. 36-53. Anwser comprehension questions at the story.
Friday, April 17,
Take Reading assessment titled “Seal Moms”. Good luck!
Week of April 20-24
Monday, April 20
Online Learning:
Log into your classlink and access “Connect Ed”.
2. Complete “Unit 4 Week 3 Vocabulary Review Day 1”.
3. Do assignment titled “Unit 4 Week 3: Spelling Activity: Spell words with Long O: Day 1”.
4. Watch YouTube video titled “Syllables”.
5. Complete “Unit 4 Week 3 Comprehension Skill: Main Idea Day 1”.
6. Do “Unit 4 Week 3: Structural Analysis: Open Syllables Day 1”.
7. Time yourself reading “Unit 4 Week 3: Go Wild” Day 1&2.
Paper-Based Learning:
1. Complete vocabulary sheet
2. Write spelling words 3x each.
3. Read decodable book titled “Crows” located on page 179 of reading packet and complete graphic organizer on page 178.
4. Complete pages 175, 176, and 184 of reading packet.
Tuesday, April 21
Online Learning:
1. Log into your classlink and access “Connect Ed”.
2. Complete “Unit 4 Week 3: Vocabulary Review Day 2”.
3. Do “Unit 4 Week 3: Spelling Activity Day 2.
4. In a Word Document, respond to the following topic: How do you think animals learn how to survive in their environment? Essay response should contain 4 or more sentences.
5. Complete “Unit 4 Week 3: Comprehension Practice: Main Idea Day 2”.
6. Do “Unit 4 Week 3: Structural Analysis: Open Syllables Day 2”.
7. Time yourself and reread “Unit 4 Week 3: Go Wild” Day 1&2.
Paper-Based Learning:
1. Orally review vocabulary words
2.Complete pages 177,1831 & 183 of reading packet
3. Write a sentence using each spelling word.
4. In a journal, respond to the following topic: How do you think animals learn how to survive in their environment? Essay response should contain 4 or more sentences.
5. Complete worksheet titled “Sailboat Syllables”.
Wednesday, April 22
Online Learning:
1. Complete “Unit 4 Week 3 Oral Vocabulary: Day 3”.
2. Review “Unit 4 Week 3: Spelling word cards Day 3”.
Watch YouTube video “What is a syllable?”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epk-hnVC10k&t=137s
3. Complete assignment titled ”Unit 4 Week 3 Structural Analysis: Reproducible Day 3”.
4. Read “Unit 4 Week 3: Vulture View Day 3&4” and discuss key details with a parent/guardian.
Paper-Based Learning:
1.Review oral vocabulary
2. Write spelling words in ABC order.
3. Complete pages 182&184 in reading packet.
4. Do worksheet titled “closed and open syllables sort“.
Thursday April 23
Online Learning:
1. Review oral vocabulary words with parent/guardian
2. Review spelling words with parent/guardian.
3. In a Word Document, respond to the following question: What was the main idea of the story “Crows”? Be sure to mention at least 3 key details.
4. Review open syllables through assigned YouTube videos or previously assigned assignments.
5. Reread “Unit 4 Week 3: Vulture View 3&4”. What was the main idea of the story?
Paper-Based Learning:
1.Review oral vocabulary.
2. Write spelling words in rainbow letters.
3. Finish any uncomplete pages in reading packet.
4. Review open syllables.
5. In your journal respond to the following question: What was the main idea of the story “Crows”? Be sure to mention at least 3 key details.
Friday, April 24
1.Take reading assessment “A Hen and her Ducklings. Good luck!
Week of April 27,-April 30
MONDAY April 27,
Online Learning:
1.Log into your classlink and access “Connect Ed”.
2.While timing yourself, read “Unit 4 Week 4: Creep Low, Fly High Day 1&2
3. Watch YouTube video titled “Author’s Point of View for kids”
4. On our class webpage, view ELA videos for this week.
Paper-Based Learning:
1.Complete vocabulary sheet
2. Write spelling words 3x each.
3. Read decodable book titled “Eve and Pete” located on page 191 of reading packet and complete graphic organizer on page 190.
4. Complete pages 187, and 188.
5. Inside your Reading/Writing Workshop story book packet, read Creep Low, Fly High pgs. 78-87.
TUESDAY April 28,
Online Learning:
1.Log into your classlink and access “Connect Ed”.
2. Do assignment titled “Unit 4 Week 4 :Comprehension Practice: Day 2”.
3. Do “Unit 4 Week 4: Structural Analysis Activity: Inflectional Endings: Day 2".
4. While timing yourself, reread “Unit 4 Week 4: Creep Low, Fly High 1&2”. You should have beat yesterday’s time.
5. Review essential question, spelling and vocabulary videos on class webpage.
Paper-Based Learning:
1. Orally review vocabulary words
2.Complete pages 183& 189 of reading packet
3. Write a sentence using each spelling word.
5. Inside your Reading/Writing Workshop story book packet, reread Creep Low, Fly High pgs. 78-87.
Online Learning:
1. Review oral vocabulary words with a parent or guardian.
2. Watch the YouTube video “espark Learning: Inflectional Endings”
3. Read “Unit 4 Week 4: Hi Fly Guy Day 3&4” and discuss key details with a parent/guardian.
4. Rewatch Youtube video on Author’s Point of View for kids.
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YM_R7PkysYg
Paper-Based Learning:
1. Review oral vocabulary
2. Write spelling words in ABC order.
3. Complete pages 194-196 in reading packet.
4. Inside your Literature Anthology story book packet, read Hi! Fly Guy pgs. 92-123.
THURSDAY April 29,
Online Learning:
1. Review oral vocabulary words with a parent/guardian.
2. Review spelling words with a parent/guardian.
3. In a Word Document, respond to the following question: How is fly guy like most flies? How is he different?
4. Review inflectional endings and point of view through assigned YouTube videos or previously assigned assignments.
5. Reread “Unit 4 Week 4: Hi Fly Guy Day 3&4”. What was the main idea of the story?
Paper-Based Learning:
1.Review oral vocabulary.
2. Write spelling words in rainbow letters.
3. Finish any uncomplete pages in reading packet.
4. In your journal respond to the following question: Journal response to: How is fly guy like most flies? How is he different?
5. Inside your Literature Anthology story book packet, reread Hi! Fly Guy pgs. 92-123. Answer comprehension questions at the end of the story.
FRIDAY April 30
Paper-Based Learning:
1. Take Reading assessment titled “Gus the Grasshopper”. Good luck!
Week of May 4,- May 8
Online Learning:
1.Log into your classlink and access “Connect Ed”.
2.While timing yourself, read “Unit 4 Week 5: A Puppy to a Guide Dog Day 1&2
3. Watch YouTube video titled “Compound Words”
4. On our class webpage, view ELA videos for this week.
Paper-Based Learning:
1.Complete vocabulary sheet
2. Write spelling words 3x each.
3. Read decodable book in reading packet and complete graphic organizer on page 202.
4. Complete pages 199 and 200 in reading packet.
5. Inside your Reading/Writing Workshop story book packet, read A Puppy to a Guide Dog on pg. 98.
Online Learning:
1.Log into your classlink and access “Connect Ed”.
2. Do assignment titled “Unit 4 Week 5 :Comprehension Practice: Day 2”.
3. Do “Unit 4 Week 5: Structural Analysis Activity: Compound Words: Day 2".
4. While timing yourself, reread “Unit 4 Week 5: A Puppy to a Guide Dog 1&2”. You should have beat yesterday’s time.
5. Review essential question, spelling and vocabulary videos on class webpage.
Paper-Based Learning:
1. Orally review vocabulary words.
2.Complete pages 201 & 205 of reading packet.
3. Write a sentence using each spelling word.
5. Inside your Reading/Writing Workshop story book packet, reread A Puppy to a Guide Dog on pg. 98.
Online Learning:
1. Review oral vocabulary words with a parent or guardian.
2. Watch the YouTube video “Sequence of Events”
3. Read “Unit 4 Week 5: Koko and Penny Day 3&4 and discuss key details with a parent/guardian.
4. Rewatch Youtube video on compound words
5. On our class webpage, view ELA videos for this week.
Paper-Based Learning:
1. Review oral vocabulary.
2. Write spelling words in ABC order.
3. Complete pages 206-208 in reading packet.
4. Inside your Literature Anthology story book packet, read Hi! Fly Guy pgs. 92-123.
Online Learning:
1. Review oral vocabulary words with a parent/guardian.
2. Review spelling words with a parent/guardian.
Review inflectional endings and point of view through assigned YouTube videos or previously assigned assignments.
3. Reread “Unit 4 Week 5: Koko & Penny Day 3&4”. What was the main idea of the story?
4. On our class webpage, view ELA videos for this week.
Paper-Based Learning:
1.Review oral vocabulary.
2. Write spelling words in rainbow letters.
3. Finish any uncomplete pages in reading packet.
5. Inside your Literature Anthology story book packet, reread Hi! Fly Guy pgs. 92-123. Answer comprehension questions at the end of the story.
Paper-Based Learning:
1. Take Reading assessment titled “Mickey the Falcon”. Good luck!
Week of May 11-May 15
MONDAY May 11,
Online Learning:
1.Log into your classlink and access “Connect Ed”.
2.While timing yourself, read “Unit 5 Week 1: A Barn Full of Hats Day 1&2
3. Watch YouTube video titled “Introduction to Reading Skills: Understanding Characters' Perspectives’
4. On our class webpage, view ELA videos for this week.
Paper-Based Learning:
1.Complete vocabulary sheet.
2. Write spelling words 3x each.
3. Read decodable book titled “The Party” located on page 215 of reading packet and complete graphic organizer on page 214.
4. Complete pages 211 and 212 in reading packet.
5. Inside your Reading/Writing Workshop story book packet, read A Barn full of Hats on pg. 120.
Online Learning:
1.Log into your classlink and access “Connect Ed”.
2. Do assignment titled “Unit 5 Week 1 :Comprehension Practice: Day 2”.
3. Do “Unit 4 Week 4: Structural Analysis Activity: Irregular Plurals: Day 2".
4. While timing yourself, reread “Unit 4 Week 4: A Barn Full of Hats 1&2”. You should have beat yesterday’s time.
5. Review essential question, spelling and vocabulary videos on class webpage.
Paper-Based Learning:
1. Orally review vocabulary words
2.Complete pages 213& 217 of reading packet
3. Write a sentence using each spelling word.
5. Inside your Reading/Writing Workshop story book packet, reread A Barn Full of Hats.
Online Learning:
1. Complete Unit 5 Week 1: Spelling Words Activity.
2. Watch the YouTube video “Irregular Verbs”
3. Read “Unit 5 Week 1: A Lost Button Day 3&4” and discuss key details with a parent/guardian.
4. Rewatch Youtube video on “Introduction to Reading Skills: Understanding Characters' Perspectives”
Paper-Based Learning:
1. Review oral vocabulary
2. Write spelling words in ABC order.
3. Complete pages 218-220 in reading packet.
4. Inside your Literature Anthology story book packet, read A Lost Button on pg.140
Online Learning:
1. Review oral vocabulary words with a parent/guardian.
2. Review spelling words with a parent/guardian.
3. Review irregular verbs and point of view through assigned YouTube videos or previously assigned assignments.
4. Reread “Unit 5 Week 1: A Lost Button Day 3&4”. What was the main idea of the story?
Paper-Based Learning:
1.Review oral vocabulary.
2. Write spelling words in rainbow letters.
3. Finish any uncomplete pages in reading packet.
5. Inside your Literature Anthology story book packet, reread A Lost Button. Answer comprehension questions at the end of the story.
Paper-Based Learning:
1. Take Reading assessment titled “Lark & Martin”. Good luck!
Week of May 18-May 22
MONDAY May 18,
Online Learning:
1.Log into your classlink and access “Connect Ed”.
2.While timing yourself, read “Unit 5 Week 2: A Bird Named Fern Day 1&2
3. Watch YouTube video titled “Cause & Effect”
4. On our class webpage, view ELA videos for this week.
Paper-Based Learning:
1.Complete vocabulary sheet
2. Write spelling words 3x each.
3. Read decodable book titled “A Bunny Wish” located on page 227 of reading packet and complete graphic organizer on page 226.
4. Complete pages 223 and 224 in reading packet.
5. Inside your Reading/Writing Workshop story book packet, read A Bird Named Fern on pg. 140.
Online Learning:
1.Log into your classlink and access “Connect Ed”.
2. Do assignment titled “Unit 5 Week 2 :Comprehension Practice: Day 2”.
3. Do “Unit 5 Week 2: Structural Analysis Activity: Day 2".
4. While timing yourself, reread “Unit 4 Week 4: A Bird Named Fern 1&2”. You should have beat yesterday’s time.
5. Review essential question, spelling and vocabulary videos on class webpage.
Paper-Based Learning:
1. Orally review vocabulary words
2.Complete pages 225 & 229 of reading packet
3. Write a sentence using each spelling word.
5. Inside your Reading/Writing Workshop story book packet, reread A Bird Named Fern..
Online Learning:
1. Complete Unit 5 Week 2: Spelling Words Activity.
2. Watch the YouTube video “Inflectional Endings”
3. Read “Unit 5 Week 2: Kittens First Full Moon Day 3&4” and discuss key details with a parent/guardian.
4. Rewatch Youtube video on “Cause & Effect”
Paper-Based Learning:
1. Review oral vocabulary
2. Write spelling words in ABC order.
3. Complete pages 230-232 in reading packet.
4. Inside your Literature Anthology story book packet, read Kittens First Full Moon on pg.162
Online Learning:
1. Review oral vocabulary words with a parent/guardian.
2. Review spelling words with a parent/guardian.
3. Review cause & effect and inflectional endings-er through assigned YouTube videos or previously assigned assignments.
4. Reread “Unit 5 Week 2: Kittens First Full Moon Day 3&4”. What was the main idea of the story?
Paper-Based Learning:
1.Review oral vocabulary.
2. Write spelling words in rainbow letters.
3. Finish any uncomplete pages in reading packet.
5. Inside your Literature Anthology story book packet, reread Kittens First Full Moon. Answer comprehension questions at the end of the story.
FRIDAY May 22,
Paper-Based Learning:
1. Take Reading assessment titled “Curt and Herbie in Space”. Good luck!
Make sure to log into Reflex and have your child to recieve 3 green lights a week!
Social Studies
Brainpop Login:
Online Instructions:
Click the following link: https://app.studiesweekly.com/online/
1. Enter your child's username and password
2. Click the image titled "Florida Studies Weekly 1st Grade"
3. Scroll down to Week 25
4. Click "Continue Reading" to complete weekly magazine
5. Click "Take Test" to complete weekly assessment