- Hartsfield Elementary
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- Ms. Reynolds
First Grade
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Welcome to Distance Learning with Ms. Reynolds
I am very excited to begin this new way of learning with you all. Here you will find all the information you will need to ensure that your child ends 1st grade with a BANG!
I did it! I got 3 green lights on Reflex this week! I did it! I logged into iReady this week!
Devontay Landon
Is My Child on Track with Distance Learning?
Please be sure to check out your child's weekly feedback and new weekly goals via Remind and in their individual class notebooks in TEAMS!
Paper-Based Learning
Brain Smart Start
Social Studies
Online Learning
Brain Smart Start
Using the following link: https://launchpad.classlink.com/leonschools log into your ClassLink account.
1. Click on the app titled "Ed Learning"
2. Complete lessons titled "How Can We Measure Temperature" and "Unit 5 Benchmark Review"
Social Studies
Click the following link: https://app.studiesweekly.com/online/
1. Enter your child's username and password
2. Click the image titled "Florida Studies Weekly 1st Grade"
3. Scroll down to Week 26
4. Click "Continue Reading" to complete weekly magazine
5. Click "Take Test" to complete weekly assessment