- Buck Lake Elementary
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Mrs. Blake - Transfer
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10.02.2018Upcoming Events:10/10/2018 Unit 2 Week 1 Spelling Vocab Test10/10/2018 Chapter Two Math Test10/11/2018 Unit 2 Week 1 Reading Test10/11/2018 Caldecott Carnival10/31/2018 Favorite Character ParadeMath:The second half of Chapter Two math packets came home today. Please review the lessons with your child in preparation for the Chapter Two Test on Wednesday. Please note that we check these lessons together as a group. Students are expected to circle and correct any problems they miss. If you see any incomplete lessons or a lesson with multiple circles, please spend a little extra time reviewing these pages.Caldecott Carnival:Volunteers are still needed. Please seefor details.Character Parade:Buck Lake will be celebrating "Character Education Spirit Week" during the week of October 29th- November 2nd. This will include a Favorite Character Parade on Wednesday, October 31st. Your child is welcome to dress up as a favorite book character on this day.
Upcoming Dates:10/01/2018 Spelling/Vocab. Test (Wonders Unit One Week Five)10/02/2018 Wonders Unit One Week Five TestPictures:If you ordered pictures through the school, they should have come home in your child's backpack today. If you ordered online, and you did not receive your pictures, please contact Lifetouch directly. The front office will not have information on online orders.BLES Primary Stem Club:The attachment provided has information regarding the BLES Stem club. Please take time to read this if you are interested in your child participating. I will send home the hard copy on Monday.Unit One Week Three Reading Test:Please look for these to come home on Monday afternoon. I simply ran out of time and was unable to include them in today's Take Home Folder.Homework:This week is simply three math sheets. I did not send out spelling words to avoid confusion over Monday's tests.Classlink:For anyone looking for enrichment activities, the second grade team got Think Central up and running. Once your child logs in to Classlink, they can choose Think Central and explore. This is aligned with what we are currently learning in Math. If your child needs their log in info at home, please let me know. -
Upcoming Dates:
10/01/2018 Unit One Week Five Spelling & Vocabulary Tests
10/01/2018 Mid-Chapter Check Point
Good afternoon! I wanted to share a few quick notes to keep you up to date on what is happening in our classroom:
Homework: Each one of your students should have brought home a homework folder with three math sheets and the Unit 1 Week Five spelling and vocabulary words. As always, homework is due on Thursday. Please remember to read a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes a day, at least five days a week.
Reading: This past Friday we took the Unit One Week Four Reading Test. This is the first time the passages were not read aloud by the teacher. The questions were read aloud and all students were encouraged to read the passages 2 times each before answering the questions. We will continue to remove supports so that we can get a true picture of how well each child is reading, using reading strategies, and comprehending what they read. As mentioned at Open House, we wanted to provide extra support at the beginning of the year to help them adjust to the Second Grade Testing Format.
Math: Mid-chapter Checkpoint for Chapter Two will be on Monday, October 1st. Please look in your child's Friday folder at the end of this week to see the first half of Chapter Two.
Classroom Supplies: Please send in a clean sock for your child to use as a white board eraser. If anyone is able to send in dry erase markers, they would be much appreciated.
Classroom Conferences:
If you have not signed up for a conference yet, please sign up here: