• ​If you are not receiving DT Remind Notices from Mr. German, Text @86dad7 to 81010 now.

    Thank You to Ms. Penton, Ms. Moss, Ms. Barrett, and Ms. Smith
    for all their Help with our Drill Team Audtions!

  • The Chiles Drill Team 23-24

    Drill Team Captain: Hannah Martin
    Majorette Co-Captain: Clair Gandy
    Color Guard Co-Captain: Madilynn Miller


    Angele Lipian
    Amy Jo Hand
    Thalia Himes
    Arden Seaquest

    Color Guard

    Alyssa Viosca
    Ellie Oglo
    Erin Stewart
    Caroline Byington
    Audrey Johnson
    Aria Copas
    ​Ava Zupofsak

Last Modified on August 21, 2023