Important Info Found Here

Chiles Band Remind Codes

  • We use the Remind System as a one way conduit to send updated information to parents and students.
    Everyone in band should be on the Remind System. 
    You can have Remind notifications going to both your email and your phone. 
    Go to Remind

    Examples of Remind Use:
    1. Emergency Notice:  Band bus is broken down. We will be 45 minutes late returning to Chiles.
    2. While on a trip.  Change of meeting venue.  We need to meet 30 minutes earlier than planned inside the turnstile so we can exit the park on time for dinner.
    3. Check your email for updated calendar.
    4. Tomorrow’s rehearsal has been cancelled.  Please arrange your transportation.
    5. Fundraising money and orders Due – Last Call!
    6. Etc.

    Here is a list of Mr. German’s Remind Codes:
    23-24 Timberwolf Marching Band  - cbdc1                           1st Period DIT - 1ditggui
    Band Classes – bachjs1750                                                                     
    Jazz Band Class – freddy2008
    Drill Team  – 86dad7                                                               4th Period HOPE - hopegduit
    Drumline – 237846                                                                 5th Period DIT - 5bits22-23
    Leadership 22-23 - serverwolf

    Stay Informed and Up-To-Date!

Quick Links


If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
  • Return all forms to Mr German ASAP

Please complete these REQUIRED forms

Band Forms

Fee Letters 2023-2024

Last Modified on August 17, 2023