- Buck Lake Elementary
- FAQ's
Extended Day Enrichment Program
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Frequently Asked Questions
Is this program a part of Leon County Schools?
Posted by:This is a Leon County Schools fee-based program.
What do you offer?
Posted by:We offer before-school, after-school, and Summer Camp Enrichment Activities.
What’s the cost?
Posted by:The Before-School Enrichment Program is $85.00 per cycle (18 school days). No registration fee is required.
The After-School Enrichment Program is $175.00 per cycle (18 school days). No registration fee is required.
When are the fees due?
Posted by:Attached to the Program information Packet and also on the Payment cycles webpage, you will find a calendar of cycle due dates.
What forms of payments are accepted?
Posted by:Check, money order, or online payments (a how-to pay online flyer is available) are accepted.
If this is my first time paying or signing-out late can I get a break on the late fee?
Posted by:Due to the district policies and procedures for Extended Day Enrichment Programs late payments and/or late sign-out fees cannot be waived.
If my child is out sick from school should I call the program?
Posted by:Yes, your call will help to complete and confirm the daily attendance.
If my child is absent on the day fees are due, can I pay the fee once he/she returns?
Posted by:All cycle fees are due on or before the due dates. A late fee will be assessed to all payments made thereafter.
Is it ok for my older son/daughter to sign out his/her younger sibling from the program?
Posted by:Names that are provided on the student’s registration form will have permission to sign-out. Please call ahead to inform us before sending a minor to sign-out. Please submit a request in writing.
Who should I speak with if I have an issue or concern about the Enrichment Program?
Posted by:Please refer all issues and concerns to John Banner, Director, or Bobbi Donnelly, Assistant.
Do you provide an end of the year Tax Statement?
Posted by:The E.D.E.P. does not issue an end-of-the-year statement; however, there is an online form that is used for this purpose. We ask that you pick up your receipt from the “receipt box” for your personal tax records.
What happens if one parent hasn't paid their portion of court ordered fees?
Posted by:If parent (1) is court-ordered to pay a portion of the cycle fees for a student attending and they still have an unpaid balance from Parent (2), the student will not be able to attend. All fees must be paid in full before participation.
Can I send medicine with my child to take during after-school hours?
Posted by:Prescription and/or over-the-counter medicines must be hand delivered by parents to staff. Only trained staff is allowed to administer medicine during after-school hours.
If my child is sent to after-school , but wasn’t scheduled, will I be charged a drop-in fee?
Posted by:It is the parent’s responsibility to arrange for student pick-up. Once the student is marked present on the
attendance, a drop-in fee is charged to his/her account. -
Are there after-school activities on early release days?
Posted by:The program is open to students on early release days.
If I am late making my fee payment is there a grace period?
Posted by:No, cycle fees must be paid before or on due date.
How do I sign my child up for homework?
Posted by:Homework Center is scheduled Monday-Thursday 3:30 p.m-5:00
p.m. Supervision is provided to ensure a quiet area for students to concentrate on and complete assignments. A mandatory homework list of students to attend will be created at the parent’s request. All others may attend
voluntarily. -
When is Summer Camp Sign-up?
Posted by:Summer camp information will be available early February of each school