• Mrs. Threadgill’s Classroom Rules


    1) Listen when someone is talking.

    2) Follow directions the first time they are given.

    3) Treat everyone with kindness and respect.

    4) Take care of our school and classroom.

    5) Work and play safely and quietly.

    6) It’s okay to make mistakes.


    Classroom Behavior Management

              Please help reinforce our classroom behavior program at home, by discussing it with your child and providing praise and consequences when necessary.  Be sure you ask your child about their day (What did you learn today?, What was your favorite activity? Tell me about a book you are reading., etc.), instead of first asking about their Dojo points.    


    Each day, your child will start out with zero points. Positive points can be earned for following directions (quickly), participation, helping others, etc. Negative points are earned for not keeping hands/feet to self, lack of self-control, disrespect, etc.  If your child demonstrates inappropriate behavior, he/she will be given a verbal warning.  If your child continues to demonstrate inappropriate behavior, they will lose a Dojo point. 


    At the end of the week, several point winners (highest total point earners) will earn a prize (pencils, “store” prizes, etc.) 


    Once parents have connected with Dojo, they can track their student’s progress daily.


    Image result for class dojo