- Conley Elementary
- Classwork:
Camper, Courtney
Page Navigation
Math: Ch. 3 L. 1 Understand thousandths - patterns
Science: Unit 5 L. 1 Quiz
10/10 -
Math: Ch. 3 L. 5 Round Decimals
Science: Brain Check and Applied Concepts pgs. 243 & 244
10/9 -
Math: Ch. 3 L. 4 Compare and Order Decimals
Science: Solid, Liquid, and Gas state changes
10/8 -
Math: Ch. 3 L. 3 Compose and Decompose Decimals
Science: Solid, Liquid, and Gas States of Matter - Brain Pop
10/7 -
Math: Ch. 3 L. 2 Read and Write Decimals Through Thousandths
Science: Solid, Liquid, and Gas Properties
10/4 -
Math: finish Chapter 2 assessment and any other assignments not completed
Science: finish any assignments not completed
10/3 - No School
10/2 -
Math: Chapter 2 Assessment
Science: Properties of Matter activity
10/1 - Guest Speaker
Math: Chapter 2 Review
Science: What is solid, liquid and gas? - Ed Learning
9/30 - Mrs. Camper Out/ EC for math due
Math: Ch. 2 L. 5 Ed Learning
Science: What is solid, liquid and gas? - Ed Learning
9/27 - hurricane day
9/26 - hurricane day
9/25 -
Math: Ch. 2 L. 6 Represent and Solve Multi - Step Problems with Bar Models
9/24 -
Math: Ch. 2 L. 5 Model Multiplication and Division Equations
9/23 - Send home EC for Math
Math: Chapter 2 Mid-Chapter Quiz; Ch. 2 L. 4 Draw to Solve Division Problems
Science: Engineer Design Process Brain Check and Applied Concepts
9/20 -
Math: review of division strategies and interpret the remainder
Science: review of engineer design process
9/19 -
Math: Ch. 2 L. 1 & 2 Review
Science: Engineer Design Process - building a bridge
9/18 -
Math: Ch. 2 L. 2 Interpret the Remainder cont...
Science: Engineer Design Process
9/17 -
Math: Ch. 2 L. 2 Interpret the Remainder
Science: Engineering and Technology
9/16 -
Math: Ch. 2 L. 1 cont...
Science: Engineering & Technology
9/13 -
Math: Ch. 2 L. 1 (see video from 9/3)
Ed Learning Lesson
Science: Unit 1 Assessment
9/12 - Science Extra Credit Due
Math: Ch. 1 Assessment
Science: Science Unit 1 Review
9/11 -
Math: Ch. 1 Review
Science: Science Tools
9/10 - Extra Credit Due
Math: Ch. 1 Review - Practice Test
Science: Science tools & comprehension questions (Ed Learning)
9/9 -
Math: Ch. 1 Review
Science: Science Tools
9/6 - sent Extra Credit Home
Math-: Ch. 1 L. 3 (see video from 9/3)
Science: The Practice of Science cont..
9/5 -
Math-: Ch. 1 L. 3 Partial Quotients (see video from 9/3)
Science: The Practice of Science (assignment is linked)
9/4 -
Math-: Ch. 1 L. 2 Representing (Models) Dividing & L. 4 Estimating(see video from 9/3)
Science: Quiz - scientific method and what is science
9/3 -
Math-: Ch. 1 L. 2 Dividing
Science: Scientific method, independent experiment
9/2 - No School
8/30 -
Math: Ch. 1 L. 1 - Multiplying cont. - Ed Learning lesson and extra practice
Science: Unify (science diagnostic
8/29 - Open House
Math: Ch. 1 L. 1 - Multiplying cont.
Science: scientific method - types of investigations (see notes from day before)
8/28 - FAST Reading
Math: Ch. 1 L. 1 - Multiplying cont.
8/27 -
Math: Ch. 1 L. 1 - Multiplying
Science: Observation and Inference
8/26 - FAST MATH
Math: Chapter 12 Assessment Continue
Science: Observation and Inference
8/23 -
Math: Chapter 12 Assessment
Science: Ed Learning: How do scientists predict? lesson and comprehension questions
8/22 -
Math: Chapter 12 Review
Science: Scientific Process (guest)
8/21 -
Math: 12. 1 Properties
Science: Ed Learning: How do scientists predict? lesson and comprehension questions
8/20 -
Math: 12.1 Properties
Science: opinion, observation, and inference
8/19 -
Math: 12.3/12.4 Order of Operations cont... & review expressions
Science: video expectations and procedure (in class) opinion, observation, and inference
8/16 -
Getting to Know you & Class Building Activities
Math: 12.3/12.4 Evaluate Numerical Expressions/Order of Operations
Science: What do scientist do? anchor chart
8/15 -
Getting to Know you & Class Building Activities
Math: 12.2 Numerical Expressions
Science: What do scientists do?
8/14 -
Getting to Know you & Class Building Activities
Math: Expressions & Evaluating Expressions
Science: What is science & a scientist?
8/13 -
Getting to Know you & Class Building Activities
Math: Rules & Procedures - Website & Setting Up Notebook: video Expectations
Science: Rules & Procedures - Saving Fred
8/12 - First Day of School
Getting to Know you & Class Building Activities
Math: Rules & Procedures
Science: Rules & Procedures