• Geometry EOC Boot Camp

    There will be 3 sessions of EOC review for Geometry. Attendance virtually is preferred due to limited seating and social distancing. All 3 Boot Camps may be attended. Geometry teachers will send out the virtual recordings via Canvas. Various geometric concepts will be explained. There is NO registration needed. Students may come with questions, as well as paper and pencil to participate. 


    Dates of the Boot Camp are as follows: 


    BOOT CAMP 1: Parts ONE &TWO Recordings can be given to you by YOUR GEOMETRY teacher.

    BOOT CAMP 2: Thursday, May 13 – 2:30-3:15pm (ZOOM and in person**) Passcode: Alday

    BootCamp2 Zoom Link, CLICK HERE


    BOOT CAMP 3: Saturday May 15 – 8am-11:30am (ZOOM and in person**)

    JOIN Mrs. Metarko's Virtual BootCamp 3, CLICK HERE     OR

    Join Mrs. Faulkner's Virtual or In Person BootCamp3 CLICK HERE   Passcode: Faulkner


    Where to report to on the Geometry EOC exam day, Monday, May 17th and Tuesday, May 18th?

    DA testing rooms

    BAM testing rooms