• Learning with Quaver Music


    Instructions for Signing in to Quaver


    • Sign in to Class Link.
    • Click on the Quaver Music tile.
    • You will see a question that asks, "Have you visited QuaverMusic.com before?"
    • Click on the green No button.


    • That's it!  You are now in Quaver.
    • Click on Assignments.
    • Now you will see lessons on the right hand side of the screen.  All lessons that need completing will be colored red.  Once the lesson has been completed, it will appear green
    • Click on a Lesson and then click the green Launch button.
    • Now you are in the Lesson.


    Helpful Hints For Assignments


    • Many of the screens will have a small embedded video.  Click on the video to get instructions for that screen. 
    • If you want to go to the next screen, click the yellow arrow that says Next.
    • If you want to go to the last screen, click the yellow button that says Prev.
    • You can play a screen as many times as you like and you can move back and forth between screens.
    • At the end of every lesson there is a quiz.  VERY IMPORTANT:  Make sure you hit the Submit button after you have entered your answers.  ALSO IMPORTANT:  If you are unsure of an answer, you can leave the quiz and look for the answer in previous screens before you hit Submit.


    Last Notes


    • Please explore the Student Interactives Button.  You will find a number of games.  As a matter of fact, feel free to explore everything!
    • Finally, Have Fun!












Last Modified on October 6, 2021