• Ms. Ford Ms. Ford's Class



    Welcome to Ms. Ford's First Grade Class

    Meet The Teacher

    Hello, my name is Ms. Ford and I am very excited to be your First grade teacher! School is a very special place where you learn many things to help you reach your goals and live a successful life. My favorite thing about our school is that our students always work hard, try their best, and aren’t afraid to experience new things! First grade is a very exciting year when you will learn to read and write about your adventures in life. That’s right... you will spend lots of time in this classroom teaching all of us many of the wonderful things you are an expert about! Before we get started, I would like you to know a few things about me.

    I was born and raised in the Tallahassee Area. My older brother, Anthony is one of my best friends and always knows how to make me laugh and smile. I also have a loving Mom and Dad who taught me that being silly and unique makes life more fun. I graduated from Lincoln High School and Florida Agriculture and Mechanical University where I studied Elementary Education. School is one of my favorite places to be, so I decided to get endorsed in reading and English language. Last year, I taught Third grade. This is my 25th year of teaching. I have taught 19 years in first grade ,5 years in second, and 1 year in 3rd grade. I love my job just as much as the first day I started!

    I look forward to learning all about you and your family during these first weeks of school. This is going to be a wonderful school year and I am looking forward our learning adventure together!

    Ms. N. Ford







Last Modified on October 6, 2021