- Chiles High
- World History Honors
Kaitlyn Hoskovec
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I hope you had a great summer. Mine was fantastic! My highlights were spending time at the beach, going to NYC, and visiting family. I have taught for 2 years and love it! World History is my favorite subject and I can’t wait to help you learn all about it. In order to prepare for my class there are a few supplies you will need including: notebook paper, a 3-5 subject spiral notebook (perforated with pockets is best), & colored pencils (12 or more). If you wish to donate an item to the classroom I am in need of highlighters, glue sticks, tissues, & notebook paper (college ruled). Thank you in advance! As we enter this school year keep in mind that I am here to help you succeed. If there is anything I can do for you please do not hesitate to ask.
Welcome to Chiles High School 's World History class. Our world history is a powerful, dramatic saga of our time on the earth. We will explore life in the medieval and modern world by examining the art, music, literature, economics, politics, and events of each time period.
I would like each student to be aware of the following expectations for behavior in my classroom.
I expect each student to:- be polite and courteous to others.
- be prepared to begin class when the tardy bell rings.
- be in class.
- turn assignments in on time.
- sit in your assigned seat (attendance is taken by a seating chart).
- participate in class activities.
- raise your hand before speaking.
- help keep the room neat and orderly.
- follow all school rules.
I require students to bring to class their textbook, a spiral notebook (3-5 subject), loose-leaf paper, colored pencils, and a blue or black pen.
Students will be given many opportunities to be successful in my class. The Leon County Grading Scale will be strictly followed when
averaging nine weeks grades.Daily work/Homework 15%
Projects 10%
Tests 50%
Notebook/Quizzes 25%
Leon County Grading Scale
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 0-59
Cheating/plagiarism will not be tolerated and will have an adverse effect on the student’s academic and citizenship grade; generally a zero on the assignment and a one in conduct.
An online calendar of assignments is located on my webpage. To access the link go to the Chiles homepage ( www.chiles.leon.k12.fl.us ). Then click on Departments – Social Studies – Hoskovec. The student is responsible for making up all work missed due to absences. Failure to do so will result in a zero received for any missing grades. Late work will not be accepted. If a student is absent on the day of a test he/she should be prepared to take the test upon returning to school. If a makeup time is not prearranged the student will be expected to take the test during their regular class period. In the middle of each nine week grading period students will receive an interim grade report. Please email me or schedule a conference if you have any questions or feel it would be helpful.
Classroom Wish List: Supplying any of the following items would be greatly appreciated: Kleenex, hand sanitizer, highlighters, pens/pencils, small Ziploc bags, Band-Aids, and loose-leaf paper.
Contact with Instructor
E-mail: hoskoveck@leonschools.net
History Fair 2018: Triumph and Tragedy
4Cs Handout- To enter- select a topic, fill out the 4Cs handout, and turn in by 11/08/18.
To fill out the 4Cs handout please watch 4Cs tutorial video. Watch from 14:40-16:51.
4Cs Tutorial Video
NHD Website