Musical Theatre

  • Star Players

    Welcome to the wonderful world of Musical Theatre! I am excited to be working with our STAR students this year.

    As an educator, I believe that every student has the potential to achieve greatness.  The goal of this program is to help students tap into their creativity and explore different aspects of life.  Students will do this through the use of creative drama techniques.  Some of the techniques include improvisation, spatial awareness and role-playing.  Various dance techniques and dance genres will also be explored.  In order to step into someone else's shoes, one must first feel good in their own skin, so students in this program will also be involved in self-esteem and character building exercises. These will assist them in setting goals and gaining the confidence to become the best STAR they can be.

    In the Spring, students in my 4th and 5th Focus Class will showcase their talents and skills in the Spring Gala. There is also a school wide Broadway-like Musical, Willy Wonka Jr.  Previously, students have performed other Musicals such as: Moana Jr. (2021), Addams Family young@part (2020), Alddian Jr. (2019), Beauty and the Beast Jr (2018), Seussical (2017), Jr.The Lion King Jr. (2016)Annie Jr.Peter Pan Jr. High School Musical Jr., and 101 Dalmatian. I look forward to seeing you at the performance in support of our STARS and all their hard work as they shine on stage!