PTO Information

  • Welcome!

    Thank you for taking the time to find out more information about the Apalachee Tapestry Magnet School of the Arts Parent Teacher Organization (ATMSA)  (PTO). We are excited to have you take an active role in your child’s learning environment. Becoming a member does not mean that you have to automatically sign up to come to school to volunteer.  Becoming a member means that you support the PTO and believe in what we are doing.

    What is the PTO?

    PTO is a support organization for our school.  The purpose of the Apalachee Tapestry Magnet School of the Arts Parent Teacher Organization (ATMSA) or (PTO) is to promote communication and cooperation between parents/guardians of students and the administration, faculty, and staff of ATMSA and to initiate and execute projects, which will enhance the learning experience, the learning environment, the school spirit, and the morale of all.

    The primary focus is to provide assistance to the school’s teachers, staff, and administration so that they may concentrate on educating our children in the most supportive environment possible. Through volunteers and fundraising, the ATMSA PTO sponsors events such as Science Fair, Teacher Appreciation Week, Grandparents’ Day, and more. The PTO also works behind the scenes providing assistance for teachers through volunteers at Book Fair, Vision and Hearing Screening, Picture Days, yearbook, and so much more! 

    Why Join the PTO?

    Parent involvement can help to improve the overall quality of schools, raise teacher morale, and improve children’s behavior and performance in an academic setting. When children feel supported at home and at school, they develop more positive attitudes about school and have more self confidence. Children of involved parents are more likely to feel that they are accepted, included and respected at school. Involved parents become more comfortable in the school environment, gain confidence in their parenting skills, and feel more capable of helping their children learn.


PTO Officers

  • Howell, Meghan

    Mrs. Aisha J. Fryson
    Howell, Meghan
    Mrs. Lightfoot-Brown
    Vice President
    Howell, Meghan
    Ms. Alicia Williams
    Howell, Meghan

    Mrs. Corinne Taylor
