- Lincoln High
- About Us
School Profile
Leon County is a rapidly growing community of over 200,000 permanent residence and 50,000 college students. The economy is based primarily on the state government, two major universities, a large community college, and a regional medical complex. Lincoln High School is one of five public high schools in Leon County, and the most diverse with minority students making up approximately forty percent of the student body consisting of approximately 2,000 students. Lincoln’s academic program has been ranked in or near the top 100 public schools annually by Newsweek Magazine, since the ranking was introduced in 1998. Over 70% of Lincoln’s graduating classes consistently attend a postsecondary institution, with 30% attending a four year university. This post-secondary readiness is highlighted by Lincoln’s Advanced Placement program, which offers twenty-seven AP courses to over 1,000 students, providing over 2200 exams annually. Lincoln has also partnered with area community colleges and universities to offer dual enrollment courses to further diversify student learning. Vocational education opportunities are available off campus through the Lively Vocational Technical School’s co-op program, which offers over twenty-six areas of study.
Lincoln’s faculty includes over 100 teachers, 5 guidance counselors, a media specialist, testing coordinator, and a reading coordinator. Over 60% of our faculty has six years of teaching experience or more, with 50% of the faculty having obtained a master’s degree or higher in their field. In addition, 10 teachers are National Board Certified.
Lincoln’s Advanced Placement (AP) program offers twenty-seven courses, including Art History, Drawing, Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, English, Environmental Science, Physics, European History, Geography, World History, French, Latin, Chinese, Spanish Language, Spanish Literature, Music Theory, Psychology, Statistics, US History, US Government, and Macroeconomics. All Teachers are trained by College Board consultants, and all AP students are required to take the exam.
Lincoln High School offers Honors/Gifted courses in all major disciplines, designated with an “h” after the letter grade on a student’s transcript. Dual Enrollment courses are accessible on the campus of Florida State University, Florida A&M University, or Tallahassee Community College for students who pursue academic opportunities not available at Lincoln.
Career and Technical opportunities are available on and off campus through Lively Vocational-Technical School. Lincoln High School offers the following vocational programs on campus-computer technology, horticulture, early childhood, culinary arts, aviation maintenance, and work study.
Lincoln High School operates on a nine week grading period, with two grading periods per semester. Students are registered for six fifty-minute periods. Students can earn ½ credit per semester, per course, with a grade of “D” or better in that course. Class rank is determined utilizing weighted grade point averages, based on all credits attempted and/or earned, and is representative of the entire class population.
Printable School Profile
Lincoln High School3838 Trojan TrailTallahassee, FL 32311Phone: 850-487-2110Fax: 850-922-4173