6th Grade Science

  •  Welcome to Mrs. Payne's Comprehensive Science 1 Class!

    Welcome clipart


      through Distance Learning
















     Announcements:  Week #4:  April 20-24 

    Learning Goals: Explain the Relationships among energy, motion, force, and work.

    Suggested Pacing Guide:                                          Teacher Need a Help Session?

    Monday: Watch video and take notes                                                                 * Email: payneb@leonschools.net  

    Tuesday: First Read                                                                                                   * Visit me on our class TEAM Page

    Wednesday: Second Read / Embedded activities                                              * Office Hours: Mon. - Fri.  11 - 2pm

    Thrusday: Review lesson                                                                                          * Text me in Remind 101

    Friday: Complete Quiz 2 (Use notes, books, and video)