- Raa Middle
- 6th Grade Comprehensive Science
- Assignments- 6th Grade
4th 9 Weeks
Posted by Brittanian Gamble on 3/24/2019All Assignments and Lesson Plans are subject to change based on the needs of the class and individual students. Please check your students planners for changes.
Please check " Reminders and Attachments" , Below the last day of the week for digital copies of all handouts and assignments for all non- copyrighted materials.
Week 9 5/20 to 5/24
Monday 5/20 - 6th grade field Trip- Work on make up work
Tuesday 5/21- Work on Windmill Project
Wednesday 5/22- Complete windmill project
Thursday 5/23- Study for Final exam (Practice)
Friday - Study for Final Exam (Practice )
Final Exam Study Guide KEY- Due on Final Exam Day Wednesday 5/29/2019
Week 8 - 5/13/2019 to 5/17/2019
Please follow the link below to download daily Lesson Plans
WEEK 7- 5/6/2019 TO 5/9/2019
Monday 5/6/19:
Daily Assignment: Complete Hoot- Environmental Impact on the Environment
Homework: None
Tuesday 5/7/19
Daily Assignment: Day 3 Choosing the best Path
Homework: TBD
Wednesday 5/8/2019- Day 4 Choosing the best path
Homework: Study for Final Exam
Thursday 5/9/2019
Daily Assignment: Day 5 Choosing the Best Path
Homework: Study For Final Exam
Friday 5/10/2019-
Daily Assignment: Day 6 Choosing the best Path
Homework: Study for Final Exam
WEEK 6- 4/29/2019 TO 5/3/2019
Monday 4/29/19:
Daily Assignment: Strawberry DNA Extraction Lab
Tuesday 4/30/2019
Daily Assignment:Catestrophic Events Presentations- Complete
Homework: None
Wednesday 5/1/2019
Daily Assignment: Choosing the Best Path Day 1
Homework: None
Thursday 5/2/2019
Daily Assignment: Choosing the best Path Day 2
Homework: None
Friday 5/3/2019
Daily Assigment : Choosing the Best Path Day 3
Homework: TBD
WEEK 5- 4/22/2019 TO 4/26/2019
Monday 4/22/19:
Daily Assignment: Work on Catestrphic Events Project in class (Day 2)
Homework: Work on Catestrophic Events Project
Tuesday 4/23/2019
Daily Assignment: Work on Catestrphic Events Project in class (Day 3)
Homework: Work on Catestophic Events Project
Wednesday 4/24/2019
Daily Assignment: Catestrophic Events Presentations Day 1
Homework: Work on Catestophic Events Project
Thursday 4/25/2019
Daily Assignment: TBD- Stawberry DNA extraction - Take your child to work day
Homework: Study for Vocabulary Test
Friday 4/26/2019
Daily Assigment : Complete Presentations
Homework: TBD
Handouts and Attachments
Catestophic Events- Student Project
WEEK 4- 4/15/2019 TO 4/19/2019
Monday 4/15/19:
Daily Assignment: Test- Day 1 of 2
Homework: Work on Incomplete work from Weeks 1-3 (See students progress report for Missing assignments)- Due Thursday 4/18/19
Tuesday 4/16/2019
Daily Assignment: Test Day 2 of 2
Homework: Work on Incomplete work from Weeks 1-3 (See students progress report for Missing assignments)- Due Thursday 4/18/19
Wednesday 4/17/2019
Daily Assignment: Review Test and distribute Test Corrections for students who made below a 70%. Topic 5 Interactivity- Video 3 types of fronts
Homework: Test Corrections- DUE Monday 4/22/2019; Work on Incomplete work from Weeks 1-3 (See students progress report for Missing assignments)- Due Thursday 4/18/19
Thursday 4/18/2019
Daily Assignment: Review fronts; Interactivity- using fronts to predict weather
Homework: Test Corrections- DUE Monday 4/22/2019;
Friday 4/12/2019- NO SCHOOL
Handouts and Attachments
Week 3 Monday 4/8/19 to 4/12/19
Monday 4/8/19:
Daily Assignment: Review Follow up questions from Convection Currents Lab; Global Winds Graphic Organizer ( Video and fill in)
Homework: Work on Study Guide ( Due Friday April 12, 2019 on Test Day);
Tuesday 4/9/2019
Daily Assignment: Work on Online assignment- Interactivity -Fluids on the move & Ocean Currents.
Homework: Work on Study Guide ( Due Friday April 12, 2019 on Test Day);
Wednesday 4/10/2019
Daily Assignment: Complete any work not completed on Tuesday; Work on Study Guides.
Homework: Work on Study Guide ( Due Friday April 12, 2019 on Test Day);
Thursday 4/11/2019
Daily Assignment: Review for Test
Homework: Work on Study Guide ( Due Friday April 12, 2019 on Test Day)
Friday 4/12/2019
Daily Assignment: Test; Hand out Science progress Reports- Students have until Friday 4/19/19 to hand in late work from 3/25 to 4/12 (Any work not submitted by this time will not be accepted)
Homework: Work on Topic 5 Vocabulary Grid (Due Monday 4/15/19)
Test Study Guide Key- will be posted on 4/11/19- POSTED
Interactivity-Fluids on the move- Student Handout
Interactivity-Ocean Currents - Student Handout
Global Wind Patterns- Student Handout
Bill Nye The Science Guy (Wind)- Video Link
Convection Currents- Teacher Presentation
Convection Currents- Student Notes Handout
WEEK 2- 4/1/2019 TO 4/5/2019
Monday 4/1/19:
Daily Assignment: Review Convection & Notes on 3 processes where convection currents take place.
Homework: None
Work on Geologic Time Webquest (Due Friday 4/5/2019)
Tuesday 4/2/2019
Daily Assignment: Bill Nye the Science Guy- Wind and Convection Currents- Video and questions.
Homework: Complete questions if not completed in class
Wednesday 4/3/2019
Daily Assignment: View Video for Pre-lab/ Observing Convection Currents; Complete Pre-lab question 1 as a class and discuss; Work on remainder of Pre Lab questions in groups.
Homework: Complete Pre-lab questions if not completed in class
Thursday 4/4/2019
Daily Assignment: Exploring/Observing Convection Currents Lab- Day 1 (Set-up A only)- Teacher demo and students complete own lab in groups.
Homework: None
Friday 4/5/2019
Daily Assignment: Observing Convection Currents Lab Day-2
Homework: Complete Post Lab Questions - DUE Monday 4/8/2019
Study for Test (Thursday 4/11/19)
Bill Nye The Science Guy- Student Questions
Bill Nye The Science Guy (Wind)- Video Link
Convection Currents- Teacher Presentation
Convection Currents- Student Notes Handout
Convection Currents Foldables- Copyright info- please obtain from absent bin in class
Observing Convection Currents- Student Lab Sheet
Observing Convection Currents- Procedures
Observing Convection Currents Post Lab Questions
WEEK 1- 3/25/2019 TO 3/29/2019
Monday 3/25/19:
Homework: None
Tuesday 3/26/2019
Daily Assignment: Demo- Convection Currents; Think-Pair- Share (how convection currents impact weather)
Homework: None
Wednesday 3/27/2019
Daily Assignment: Hand out graded papers; Prep Notes sheets
Homework: None
Thursday 3/28/2019
Daily Assignment: Convection Currents Notes Day 1 (Convection in the mantle & Ocean)- Draw diagrams in notes & watch short ted ed video (How to ocean currents work)
Homework: None
Friday 3/29/2019
Daily Assignment: Complete Notes & Cloud in a Bottle mini Lab
Alterenative Lab- Cloud in a Bottle Video
Homework: None
3rd 9 Weeks Assignments
Posted by Brittanian Gamble on 1/7/2019All Assignments and Lesson Plans are subject to change based on the needs of the class and individual students. Please check your students planners for changes.
Please check " Reminders and Attachments" , Below the last day of the week for digital copies of all handouts and assignments
Week of 3/11/2019 to 3/15/2019
Monday 3/11/19:
Daily Assignment: Day 2- Test (Energy in the Earths Atmosphere) - students allowed to complete test if not completed and check test for errors
Homework: work on Travel Brochure- Due on 3/12/2019
Tuesday 3/12/2019
Daily Assignment: Hand out Graded Tests- Review Test and Complete cloud in a jar pre-lab (If time permits)
Homework: Complete test corrections ( Due 3/14/2019 for those who made below a 70%)
Wednesday 3/13/2019
Daily Assignment: Cloud in a jar/ bottle Lab
Homework: Complete Lab questions ; Complete test corrections ( Due 3/14/2019 for those who made below a 70%)
Thursday 3/14/2019
Daily Assignment: Collect test Correctins; Hand out all graded papers; Density Demo- Convection Current mini pre- lab
Homework: None
Friday 3/15/2019
Daily Assignment: Complete Convection Currents mini Lab
Homework: None
Attachments and Reminders
Week 10 Monday 3/4/19 to Friday 3/8/2019
Monday 3/4/19:
Daily Assignment: Complete Notes and Review Stations
Homework: Study for Test on Wednesday 3/6/2019
Tuesday 3/5/2019
Daily Assignment: Review for test on Wednesday
Homework: Study for Test on Wednesday 3/6/19
Wednesday 3/6/2019
Daily Assignment: Test
Homework: None
Thursday 3/7/2019
Daily Assignment: Review Test- Start on Convection currents in the ocean and atmosphere- student mini lab
Homework: Review Section.....on weather webquest
Friday 3/8/2019
Daily Assignment: Demo- Convection Currents & Discuss how they impact energy in the ocean and atmosphere
Homework: None
Attachments and Reminders
Energy in the Atmosphere Study Guide - Student Handout
Energy in the Atmosphere Study Guide - KEY
Convection Currents- Mini Lab
Week 9 Monday 2/25/19 to Friday 3/1/2019
Monday 2/25/19:
Daily Assignment: Demo- Air Pressure and Temperature (Egg in a bottle )
Notes- Parts of the atmosphere & Heat transfer
Homework: Read pages 146-158 & Complete all questons on pages 146-158 Due on Friday 3/1/2019; Study for TEst on Tuesday 3/5/2019
Tuesday 2/26/2019
Daily Assignment: Atmosphere Stations Day 1
Homework: Read pages 146-158 & Complete all questons on pages 146-158 Due on Friday 3/1/2019; Study for Test on Tuesday 3/5/2019
Wednesday 2/27/2019
Daily Assignment: Atmosphere Stations Day 2
Homework: Read pages 146-158 & Complete all questons on pages 146-158 Due on Friday 3/1/2019; Study for Test on Tuesday 3/5/2019
Thursday 2/28/2019
Daily Assignment: Complete Atmosphere- Stations & Complete Notes
Homework: Read pages 146-158 & Complete all questons on pages 146-158 Due on Friday 3/1/2019; Study for Test on Tuesday 3/5/2019
Friday 3/1/2019
Daily Assignment: Substitute Teacher- Work on Where does your water come from and comprehension questions. Due at end of the period.
Homework: Study for Test on Tuesday 3/5/2019
Reminders and Attachments
(Atmosphere and Energy - Teacher Presentation)
Atmosphere and Energy - Student Handout
Week 8 Monday 2/18/19 to Friday 2/22/2019
Monday 2/18/19- NO SCHOOL Presidents DAY
Daily Assignment:
Tuesday 2/19/2019
Daily Assignment: Webquest Full Day 1- Weather and Climate
Homework: NONE
Wednesday 2/20/2019
Daily Assignment: Webquest Full Day 2- Weather and Climate- DUE at end of period
Homework: NONE
Thursday 2/21/2019
Daily Assignment: Complete Webquest and Review Webquest as a group
Homework: NONE
Friday 2/22/2019
Daily Assignment: Demo- Air Pressure (Egg in a bottle)- Work on Notes (Atmosphere and Energy - Teacher Presentation)
WEEK 7 Monday 2/11/2019 to Friday 2/15/2019
Friday 2/15/2019:
Daily Assignment: Quiz; Complete Weather Webquest- Student Handout
Week 5 Monday 2/4/19- Friday 2/8/19
Monday- 2/4/19
Daily Assignment: Review Landforms Notes; Complete Vocabulary; Destructive and constructive forces
Homework: NONE
Daily Assignment: The Amazing Landforms of Florida (Day 1)- Students will complete card organizing actvity(Classroom activity only); Start on Florida Landforms mini notes and complete graphic organizer while viewing notes
Homework: Complete any work not completed in class
Wednesday- 2/6/19
Assignment: Topo Map Activity Day 1- for use with Amazing Landforms activity MOVED THURSDAY 2/7/2019
Homework: Complete any work not completed in class
Thursday 2/7/19
Assignment: Complete Amazing Land of Florida Activity- NOTES- TOPO Maps
Homework: Study for Quiz (Friday 2/8/19)
Friday- 2/8/19
Assignment: Complete TOPO Notes and HAND TOPO activity
Homework: NONE
Amazing Landforms of Florida - Teacher Presentation
Amazing Ladforms of Florida- Student Handout
Topograhic Map Notes- Teacher Presentation
Topographic Maps-Student Handout (Instructions for completion found in teacher presentation)
WEEK 4- 1/28/2019 to 2/1/2019
Monday- 1/28/19
Daily Assignment: Bell Ringer; Bottled Earth Introduction
Homework: None
Daily Assignment: Bell ringer, Bottle Earth Day 2
Homework: Study for Quiz on 1/23/2019
Wednesday- 1/23/19
Assignment: Bell Ringer; Bottle Earth questions (group discussion)
Homework: None
Thursday 1/17/19
Daily Assignment: FSA MOCK TESTING; Brain Games
Homework: None
Friday- 1/18/19
Assignment: DO NOT SUBMIT BELL RINGER!! Self guided NOTES- Landforms ; Vocabulary words for Topic 3 Lesson 2 (to be completed on back of notes )
Homework: None
Reminders and Attachments
Landforms Notes- Student Handout
Week 3- 1/21/2019 to 1/25/2019
Monday- 1/21/19- MLK DAY NO SCHOOL
Daily Assignment: Bell ringer, Review for quiz (Several students will be out for PBIS Incentive), Bill Nye (Water Cycle) - Video Link
Homework: Study for Quiz on 1/23/2019
Wednesday- 1/23/19
Assignment: Bell Ringer; Take Quiz QUIZ moved to 1/17/19 due to technical challenges
Homework: None
Thursday 1/17/19
Daily Assignment: Bell Ringer, Earth in a Bottle Day 1 QUIZ TODAY
Homework: None
Friday- 1/18/19
Assignment: Complete Earth in Bottle
Homework: None
Reminders and Attachments
Bell Ringer week of 1/21 to 1/25
Earths Sphere's- Teacher Presentation (Students neet to write notes on their own paper)
Water Cycle Doodle Notes- Video
Water Cycle Doodle Notes- student Handout
Bill NYE -Water Cycle- Video Link
Bill Nye- Water Cycle Student Handout
EarthInaBottle-Student Questions
Earth in a Bottle- Student Instructions
Earth in bottle- Video Instructions
Week 2- 1/14/2019 to 1/18/2019
Monday- 1/14/19
Daily Assignment: Bell ringer, hand out graded papers, complete webquest (earths spheres)
Homework: Study for quiz on 1/19/19
Daily Assignment: Bell Ringer, Student written notes on earth's spheres
Homework: Bring in empty clean 2 Liter Bottle for terrariums; Study for Quiz on Friday 1/18/19
Wednesday- 1/16/19
Assignment: Bell Ringer; Complete Earth's spheres notes; Exit ticket- start doodle notes on Water Cycle (online)
Homework: Study for quiz -Friday 1/18/19; Bring in Empty 2 Liter Bottle
Thursday 1/17/19
Assignment: Complete water cycle doodle notes; Day 1 Building a terrriurum (Biosphere in a bottle/water cycle)
Homework: Water Cycle Notes
Friday- 1/18/19
Assignment: Review for quiz-
Homework: None
Reminders and Attachments
Earths Sphere's- Teacher Presentation (Students neet to write notes on their own paper)
Water Cycle Doodle Notes- Video
Water Cycle Doodle Notes- student Handout
Biosphere in a bottle-TBD
Topic 3 Lesson 1 Earths SpheresWebquest Handout with Links
Week 1- 1/7/2019 to 1/11/2019
Monday- 1/7/19
Daily Assignment: Welcome Back; Distribute and review updated syllabus, Absent/late work policy, lab safety, class expectations.
Homework: Review and sign documents distributed in class- Due 1/9/19 for a treat. Lab safety contract must be submitted to participate in a lab. Study for
Wednesday- 1/9/19
Assignment: Bell Ringer; Vocabulary Grid ( Topic 3 Lesson 1)- Earths Systems/ spheres Any work not completed today should be completed at home.
Homework: Study for quiz (Vocabulary, lab safety, class expectations, absent/late work policy); Review and sign with parents- documents issued in class on Tuesday 1/8/19
Thursday 1/10/19
Assignment: Think Pair Share- Earths spheres interactions & classroom discussion. Issue donuts for students who turned in documents issued on time.
Homework: Study for quiz (Vocabulary, lab safety, class expectations, absent/late work policy); Review and sign with parents- documents issued in class on Tuesday 1/8/19
Friday- 1/11/19
Assignment: Quiz; If time permits- start Webquest (Topic 3 Lesson 1)- Earths Spheres;
Homework: Review and sign with parents- documents issued in class on Tuesday 1/8/19
Reminders and Attachments
Student Data Form
Topic 3 Lesson 1 Earths Spheres Webquest Handout with Links
2nd 9 Weeks
Posted by Brittanian Gamble on 11/26/2018All assingments are subject to change based on the needs of the class. Please see your childs planner for changes.
Week of 12/17 to 12/21
Monday 12/17/2018
Daily Assignment: Complete and submit group presentation- Presentations will take place the 2nd half of final exams should time permit.
Homework : Study for midterm exam
Tuesday 12/18/2018
Daily Assignment: Kahoot review for midterm exam
Homework:Study for midterm exam; work on body systems project
Wednesday 12/19/2018
Daily Assignment: 3rd & 5th Period Exam
Thursday 12/20/2018
Daily Assignment:Exams
Friday 12/21/2018
Daily Assignment: TBD- Review Grades EARLY RELEASE
Attachments and Reminders
Body Systems Presentation Group Template
Mid-Term Study Guide KEY- will be posted on Monday 12/17
Extra Credit- Body System model- Max 20pts Due Monday 12/17
All assingments are subject to change based on the needs of the class. Please see your childs planner for changes.
Week of 12/10 to 12/14
Monday 12/10/2018
Daily Assignment: Hand out Body Systems project to each team: Each team was given the following documents: Individual job description, instructions for team presentation and individual slides; body system assignmetn, team project planning sheet and slide planning sheets, and team contract. Due to copyright I cannot post handouts. Students need to keep up with sheets.
Homework : Work on Body Systems Project
Tuesday 12/11/2018
Daily Assignment: Hand out Midterm exam study Guide; Work in teams on body systems project- Research day
Homework:Study for midterm exam; work on body systems project
Wednesday 12/12/2018
Daily Assignment: Work in teams on body systems project- Research day
Homework: Study for midterm exam; work on body systems project
Thursday 12/13/2018
Daily Assignment: Work in teams on body systems project- Prep Day
Homework: Study for midterm exam; work on body systems project
Friday 12/14/2018
Daily Assignment: Body Systems Project - Prep day- PPT's are due on this day
Homework: Work on assigned part for Body Systems presentations; Study for midterm exam
Attachments and Reminders
Body Systems Presentation Group Template
Mid-Term Study Guide KEY- will be posted on Monday 12/17
Extra Credit- Body System model- Max 20pts Due Monday 12/17
Week of 12/3 to 12/7
Monday 12/3/2018
Daily Assignment: Complete Cell Osmosis Lab- Gather and record data and work on analysis questions
Homework : Study for Quiz on Wednesday 12/5/2018- Study Guide
Tuesday 12/4/2018
Daily Assignment: Review for Quiz- Kahoot
Homework: Study for Quiz on Wednesday 12/5/2018- Study Guide
Wednesday 12/5/2018
Daily Assignment: Quiz ; Complete Organization of Cells card sort and analysis questions- Day 1 of Body Systems Project- students will be divided into groups and given assignments.
Homework: None
Thursday 12/6/2018
Daily Assignment: Work on Assignment with substitute- Spider Toxin Article
Homework: None
Friday 12/7/2018
Daily Assignment: Body Systems Project research Day 1
Homework: Work on assigned part for Body Systems presentations
Attachments and Reminders
Moving Materials in and out of Cell- Teacher Presentation
Moving Materials In and out of cell - Student notes handout
Egg Osmosis Lab- Student handout
Spider Toxin Article- Sub Plan
Week of 11/26 to 11/30
Monday 11/26/2018
Daily Assignment: Meet in computer lab work on online assignment " Video- Moving materials in and out of the cell" & E-Text- complete all questions labled "Notebook" 9- questions total
Homework : None
Tuesday 11/27/2018
Daily Assignment: Notes Moving materials in and out of cell; Complete notebook questions on laptop
Homework: complete any notes not complete in class
Wednesday 11/28/2018
Daily Assignment: Class discussion- purpose of the cell membrane, ways materials are moved in and out of the cell; Day I of Osmosis Lab- take mass of 3 eggs, label cups and soak in viniger for 2 days.
Homework: Complete any notes not complete in class- study for quiz on Wednesday 12/5/2018
Thursday 11/29/2018
Daily Assignment: Hand out textbook pages; Opening Activity- Organization of cells and systems- index cards, define 5 vocabulary words and organize from simplest to most complex.
Homework: Study for quiz on wednesday 12/5/2018
Friday 11/30/2018
Daily Assignment: Osmosis Lab day II- clean off eggs and remove any remaining shell; take mass of eggs and put in appropriate liquids (salt; sugar; tap water)- students will make observations on Monday 12/3/2018.
Homework: Study for quiz on wednesday 12/5/2018
Attachments and Reminders
Moving Materials in and out of Cell- Teacher Presentation
1st 9 Weeks
Posted by Brittanian Gamble on 8/12/2018Assignments and Lesson plans are subject to change based on the needs of the class. Please refer to your students agendabook for the most up to date information.Week 7 Monday 9/24 to Friday 9/28Nature of Science Study Guide- TEST DATE Friday 9/28/2018
Helpful VideosTheories Vs Laws- https://youtu.be/lqk3TKuGNBAMetric Conversions- https://youtu.be/R00HJXPtEGEThe Scientific Method- https://youtu.be/yi0hwFDQTSQIndependent Variable, Dependent Variable, Controls- https://youtu.be/nzfDvfoBv_gWeek 6 Monday 9/17 to Friday 9/21To view all lesson plans, handouts and presentations please click the link below!!Nature of Science Test Study Guide- TEST FRIDAY 9/28/2018Helpful VideosTheories Vs Laws- https://youtu.be/lqk3TKuGNBAMetric Conversions- https://youtu.be/R00HJXPtEGEThe Scientific Method- https://youtu.be/yi0hwFDQTSQIndependent Variable, Dependent Variable, Controls- https://youtu.be/nzfDvfoBv_gScientific Method Webquest- Classwork for Thursday 9/20- Friday 9/21Week 5 Monday 9/10 to Friday 9/14To view all lesson plans, handouts and presentations please click the link below!!Week 4 Monday 9/3- Friday 9/7Week 3 Monday 8/27- Friday 8/31Monday 8/27DA: Bell Ringer ( Term of the week); Complete set up of Interactive Science Notebook; Tour of Teacher websiteHW: NoneTuesday 8/28DA: Bell Ringer (Science Video of the week); Brain Pop- Scientific Method; Scientific Method Doodle Notes (Page 1 of ISN)- Use laptopsHomework: Join Remind App; Complete Homework Packet (Due Friday 9/7)Wednesday 8/29-Substitute TeacherDA: Bell Ringer- Use sheet only; Current Science (Article and worksheet)- worksheet due at end of period- only available in class)HW: Join Remind App, Complete Homework Packet (Due Friday 9/7)Thursday 8/30DA: Bell Ringer ( Discuss topic and report out); Review current science article and worksheet; prelab (Penny Lab)HW: Join Remind App; Complete Homework Packet (Due Friday 9/7)Friday 8/31DA: Bell Ringer (Science Joke of the week); Drops on a Penny LabHW: Join Remind App; Complete Homework Packet (Due Friday 9/7)Reminders & Attachments:Homework Packet- Scienticif MethodStudent Doodle Notes- Scientific Method- Due to copyrights students must obtain handout from classDrops on a Penny- Student Handout-Due to copyrights students must obtain handout from classAssignments and Lesson plans are subject to change based on the needs of the class. Please refer to your students agenda book for the most up to date information.Week 1 (8/13-8/17)8/13- First Day ProceduresDiscuss expectations for school and in the classroom, Save fred activityHW: Parents and students join "REMIND"8/14 - Review Class Syllabus & Lab SafetyWatch a lab safety video; Review Classroom ProceeduresComplete the Sponge Bob Safety Activity.HW: Lab Fee, Safety Contract, Student info sheet , supplies8/15- Progress Monitoring Baseline AssessmentDemonstrate current level of understanding of the 7th grade benchmarks.HW: Lab Fee, Safety Contract, student information sheet, supplies8/16 - Substitute Teacher- Alternative assignment
HW: Lab Fee, Safety Contract, student information sheet, supplies8/17 - Scientist DrawingDraw a picture of what a scientist looks like. Include what the scientist is doing and where they are.HW: Lab Fee, Safety Contract, student information shee, supplies