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Please return the two forms mentioned below prior to participating in any try-out.
Soccer try-outs will run January 8-10, 2024. The games will commence after those dates.
Please have the following forms turned in prior to the try-outs. Physical form, and the Activity Permission Form. The links to these forms are also on the main page Athletic Page of this website.
For more information about girls soccer at RAA, please contact Head Coach Fransisco Perez at this e-mail address - perezf@leonschools.net.
BOLD = HOME GIRLS SOCCER DATE MATCHUP TIME LOCATION 01/23/2024 Raa vs. Swift Creek 7:30pm Cox Stadium 01/25/2024 Raa vs. Cobb 6pm Cox Stadium 01/30/2024 Deerlake vs. Raa 6pm Cox Stadium 02/01/2024 Raa vs. Montford 7:30pm Cox Stadium 02/08/2024 Swift Creek vs. Raa 6pm Cox Stadium 02/13/2024 Cobb vs. Raa 7:30pm Cox Stadium 02/15/2024 Raa vs. Deerklake 7:30pm Cox Stadium 02/22/2024 Montford vs. Raa 6pm Cox Stadium 02/27/2024 PLAYOFFS TBA Cox Stadium 02/29/2024 CHAMPIONSHIP TBA Cox Stadium
Athletic Forms
Last Modified on January 16, 2024