• Greeting Students and Parents,

     I hope you have enjoyed your Spring Break and your extended Spring Break. I pray all is well with each of you and your family. As we begin this new era of learning, I want everyone to relax and know that we will get through this together. The district has instructed that we use Microsoft Teams as our learning platform and for communication. Also we will be using Remind as a communication tool. You are able to log into Microsoft Teams via your Classlink. In Microsoft Teams you will find all information as it related to our class. Please check daily to keep up with assignments that will be presented. Again, we will get through this new way of learning together.

     If you need to reach me, you can do so through Microsoft Teams and my email is: mitchelll2@leonschools.net. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions.  I miss you all.

      Thanks, Mrs. Mitchell

Last Modified on April 2, 2020