- Godby High
- Attendance Procedures/Forms
Florida Law on School Attendance
Florida law requires each parent of a child from six to sixteen years of age to be responsible for the child's school attendance. Students who have attained the age of 16 years and who have not graduated are subject to compulsory school attendance until the formal declaration of intent to terminate school enrollment is filed with the district school.
Florida Statutes, 1003.24 defines the responsibility of parents for the attendance of their child at school and requires them to provide an explanation for any absence from school. If a student has unauthorized absences sufficient enough to jeopardize academic progress and it is determined that the student's parent or legal guardian is at fault for the absence, in accordance to F.S. 1003.24, the procedures under Florida Statutes 1003.26 and 1003.27 shall be followed by the appropriate school personnel.
Checking In/Out
Checking In
Students arriving after the school day has begun should use the Focus Kiosk in the Attendance Office to sign in.
Checking Out:
- Parents/Guardians must come into the Attendance Office to sign out their child. Signing out does not excuse an absence. A written excuse is still needed.
- If a parent/guardian arrives to pick up a student, the main office will contact the classroom teacher to release the child to meet the parent/guardian in the main office, after which, they will be authorized to leave campus. Students who leave campus without daily authorization from the attendance office, will be subject to disciplinary action, per school policy.
- Early Sign-outs: Under emergency cases, students may be dismissed for appointment or illness via written request from parent/guardian. Under emergency circumstances, if a parent needs to dismiss their child, they submit to Parent Portal authorization to dismiss. The authorization includes the child's name, student ID number, a picture of the parent/guardian driver's license and a contact phone number for the attendance office to verify the request. Please note we are unable to verify the authenticity of the phone calls and are unable sign-out student in this manner. Due to dismissal traffic patterns, sign-outs after 1:00 pm are highly discouraged and may result in a lengthy wait to exit the parking lot.
- Students Over 18 Sign-outs and Lunch Privileges: To ensure the safety and well-being of all students, students over 18 must have parent/guardian permission to check out of school early. If a parent needs to dismiss their child, they can submit to Parent Portal authorization to dismiss. The authorization includes the child's name, student ID number, a picture of the parent/guardian driver's license and a contact phone number for the attendance office to verify the request. Please note we are unable to verify the authenticity of the phone calls and are unable sign-out student in this manner. All students who leave campus for lunch, regardless of age, must have an off-campus form on file (signed by parent/guardian).
Absence Policy/Procedure
Every absence, be it part of the day or all day, requires a written excuse from the parent/guardian within five (5) school days of the absence to be excused. It is always best to submit a medical note if there is an appointment, as parents may only write 10 notes per semester.
All notes must include; the student’s full legal name, grade level, date(s) and period(s) absent, and reason for absence.
Absences must fall under the following to be excused.
- Illness or medical care (medical evidence may be required for absences exceeding (5) consecutive days
- Appointments (must provide documentation from the medical or service provider)
- Death/Bereavement in the family
- Religious holiday
- Financial and other special circumstances
- Pre-arranged absences for educational purposes
Amos P. Godby High School will no longer accept phone calls or emails for attendance excuses. We will require written documentation for excusing absences (notes from parents or documentation from medical providers must be uploaded into FOCUS). Attendance notes should be uploaded to the Parent Portal. Parent and medical notes uploaded to FOCUS Parent Portal ensure the attendance office receives the documentation. Please note we are unable to verify the authenticity of the phone calls and are unable to excuse students in this manner.
Focus Attendance Codes
A - Absent (Unexcused until excuse note is received)
E - Excused Absence
L - Late (arrived to class 10+ minutes after the tardy bell)
P - Present
R - Tardy Unexcused
T - Tardy Excused
V - Signed out Early (Excused Absence)
Y - Signed out Early (Unexcused until excuse note is received)
How to Update your Focus Information
How_to_Update_YOUR_Parent_Contact_Information_in_FOCUS.pdf 260.3 KB (Last Modified on July 19, 2024)