• Bitmoji ImageWelcome students!

    Welcome to Mrs. Cain's page!  

    Here you will find the latest updates and assignments.  Your child's progress reports on their IEP goals should have been emailed to the email address on file on FOCUS.  If there was no email listed in FOCUS, it was mailed to you.

    I have created separate website to personalize things for each grade level, just click on the grade level you want for personalized information



    3rd Grade

    5th grade

    To get started, please connect to remind to get the latest updates.


     To get the latest updates and information, sign up for my remind.

    <script src="https://widgets.remind.com/iframe.js?token=780d50c055920138bc0e0242ac110004&height=500&join=true"></script>


    If you have any questions or need to reach me you can contact me on Remind, or email me at caina@leonschools.net

Last Modified on May 8, 2020