•       Harmony!

    • Sanford Harmony- This is a social emotional curriculum used by Leon County Schools to help our students develop pro-social skills and healthy relationships.  

    • Training & Activities- In response to the need for additional support resources, Sanford Harmony is offering both on-line training and access to lessons to families.  Please click on the following links if you are interested in creating an account!

      Sanford Harmony training opportunities

      Harmony at Home 

  • New Horizons

    Parents interested in having their child speak with our New Horizons counselor are encouraged to contact Disc Village directly one the following ways. 

    Call (850)574-6240


    Click on the following link: New Horizons (Disc Village) to schedule a virtual session with New Horizons.

                1. Click on Schedule a Virtual Session.           

                2. Choose Health and Wellness School Services       

                3. Choose COBB Middle School (not Gilchrist) 

                    to schedule an appointment with Cece. 

Last Modified on August 9, 2021