- Nims Middle
- Performing Arts Academy
Performing Arts Academy
The Performing Arts Academy at R. Frank Nims Middle School aims to provide opportunities for every student to become a responsible citizen through an extended family of teachers, parents, students, community and business leaders, working and learning in a safe, caring environment to develop knowledge of careers, technology, the arts and social skills.
With these very essential core values and principles in mind, we plan to offer four performing arts disciplines: choral music (all-male and all-female), band, theater, and dance. The exceptionally talented students who are accepted into the Performing Arts Academy at Nims will be guided through a specific arts education curriculum where nurturing the human spirit will be the presiding principle.
The school-within-a-school concept will be a place where students can dare to dream. Students will flourish in a rich, intellectually nurturing and creative environment. Additionally, the support from our administration, academic faculty, and our entire school staff creates an environment of success and unity. For more information, please contact Janele Bullard, Asst. Principal at bullardj@leonschools.net, Mrs. Boyer (Dance) at boyerk@leonschools.net, and/or Mr. Moore (Music) at moorea@leonschools.net.