

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Donna Willis

Welcome to KLES 1st grade!  My name is Donna Willis, and I’m excited to be your child’s teacher this year.  I've been teaching for 22 years.  I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from FSU in 1999.  I've taught first, second, third, fifth, and VPK.  I've been an active parent and PTO member here at KLES for the last 10 years, and joined KLES as a teacher 3 year ago.  My son, Ethan, is in the 4th grade here at KLES, and my daughter, Ella Kate, is in 9th at Chiles.

I look forward to working together to make this a successful and fun year for your child.  Please reach out with​ any questions or concerns.  I am here for you!  

Donna Willis