• Visitors and Volunteers

    All visitors, including parents and volunteers, must sign in at the front office, show picture identification, and wear a visitor's badge while on campus.  Parents are invited to volunteer to assist teachers, chaperone on field trips, work with individual students or small groups, and/or help in the Media Center.  Contact your child's teacher in advance to develop a volunteer schedule.  Also, please complete the LCS Volunteer Registration Form and enter your volunteer hours! 


    Accident Insurance

    The school district does not automatically provide accident insurance for students.  At the beginning of each year, insurance is available for a  nominal cost to cover students during the school day.  Around the clock coverage is available for a higher premium.

    Clinic Procedures, Medication, etc.-- Please see "clinic" section.


    Discipline Policy

    KLES has a strong, positive discipline program using Positive Behavior Support which includes specific school-wide behavior expectations and consequences, recognition for good behavior, and a parent alert system for inappropriate behaviors.  It is the policy of Leon County Schools, for all students and employees have an educational setting that is safe, secure and free from harassment and bullying of any kind.
    For severe or recurring discipline problems, parents are expected to be involved with the school to help the child improve his/her behavior.  The Response to Intervention Team (RtI), which consists of administrator, guidance counselor, teacher, social worker, psychologist and parent, will assist the student and teacher with recurring problems.

    Behavior Referral

    It is the student's responsibility to do the right thing and make GOOD CHOICES each day.  Students may not endanger other students or disrupt quality learning time.  Students who interfere with learning or violate rules will receive a Behavior Referral and their parent will be contacted.  Consequences may include loss of privileges, in-school or out-of-school suspension, depending on the severity and/or frequency of the behavior.

    Student Dress Code

    Students should be comfortable and dress safely for school.  Shoes appropriate for outdoor movement and physical activity should be worn.  Halter tops, tube tops, spaghetti straps, midriff shirts or clothing that leaves the body bare are NOT allowed at school.  Shirts that are longer than shorts should not be worn over shorts.  Shorts and skirts should reach the end of fingertips when the arms are extended at the sides.  Dress should be appropriate for weather.  Remember, classrooms are air-conditioned so students may want to bring a jacket/sweater.  Offensive language, gestures, or inappropriate slogans printed on clothing, and baggy or ill-fitting pants which expose undergarments are NOT permitted.  A dress code is in place for students, staff and parents to foster a learning environment that carries out the mission of our school.


    Backpacks with wheels are NOT allowed at KLES.  These rolling packs are a hazard to other children while walking in the hallways.


    Please do not allow your child to bring toys, trading cards, sports equipment, etc. to school unless requested by the teacher. KLES is not responsible for lost or damaged items brought from home.  

    Personal Communication Devices (PCDs)

    PCDs include computers, tablets (e.g. iPad-like devices), electronic devices, cellphones, smartphones, Apple watch, and/or other web-enabled devices of any type.  KLES is not responsible for lost of damaged items brought from home.  If device is brought on campus, such as a cellphone, these devices must be turned off and inside child's backpack during the school day.

    Parent & Teacher Conferences

    Conferences are important supplements to the pupil progress reports, sent if needed, throughout the school year.  Each family is expected to participate in at least one parent/teacher conference each year.  Conferences should be arranged in advance so both the parent and teacher may be prepared.  Parents may email or call to set up an appointment with their child's teacher.   

    Media Center

    The KLES Media Center is open during school hours.  Kindergarten and 1st graders may check out 2 books for two weeks.  Students in grades 2nd-5th can check out 3 books for a two week period.  Access to network information and the Internet is available for use.  Appropriate use of Internet is allowed only with a signed parent permission form on file.