- Killearn Lakes Elementary
- Clinic Information
Clinic Information
Illness / Injury
The school clinic is staffed by a clinic assistant. If a child becomes seriously ill or injured at school, the parents will be notified by telephone. It is important for parents to keep a current address and phone number on file in the school office and school clinic. Children should be picked up as soon as parents are notified. Children with a temperature of 100° or above are not allowed to remain at school.
Flu/Cold, RSV and COVID-19 Protocols for Students
If ill with flu/cold symptoms, remain home until fever free for 48 hours and symptoms have subsided or are improving. In an abundance of caution, if a student tests positive for Covid-19 it is suggested they follow current CDC Covid-19 Guidelines.
Too sick for school?
Deciding when a child is too sick to go to school can be a difficult decision to make. When trying to decide, use these guidelines to help make the best decision.
- Fever: Keep a child home if they have a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
- Sore throat: Be mindful of sore throats, especially those with a fever or swollen glands in the neck. If your child has strep throat, they can return to school after 24 hours of appropriate treatment.
- Diarrhea: Three or more loose stools in a 24-hour period.
- Vomiting: Keep a child home if they've thrown up two or more times in a 24-hour period.
- Rash: Watch for rashes, especially those that cause a fever, itching or swelling.
- Chronic cough and/or green nose discharge: These conditions may be contagious and require treatment. Please visit your healthcare provider.
- Ear: Any ear pain with a fever should be evaluated by a physician. Untreated ear infections can cause permanent hearing loss.
- Eye Redness: Eyes that have matted or crust on the eyelids after sleep, mucus or pus drainage, redness, and pain should be evaluated by a health care professional for possible "pink eye" or conjunctivitis.
- Chicken Pox: Children with Chicken Pox must remain home for five days after the beginning of blisters, or until all pox are scabbed over and dry.
- Other Symptoms: Unusually tired, pale, has a lack of appetite, is difficult to wake, confused or irritable. If symptoms persist, check with your doctor or the school nurse.
Accident Insurance
The school district does not automatically provide accident insurance for students. At the beginning of the year, insurance is available for a nominal cost to cover students during the school day. Around the clock coverage is available for a higher premium.
P.E. Participation
Physical education is a required part of the instructional program. Therefore, all children are expected to participate. Those under a doctor’s care who present a written statement of their condition or those who are ill with a written message from home concerning their problem will be exempt from PE class.
Medication on a school campus is a serious matter and the guidelines will be strictly enforced. Before any medication may be left at the school for administering to your child, parent permission and instructions must be obtained. The parent or legal guardian must fill out a medication permission form found in the school clinic. The medication must be in its original container and kept in the school clinic.
• All medication must be brought to school by a parent.
• Children may not transport medication to and from school.
• Only medications prescribed by a physician will be administered during school hours.
• Nonprescription medicine will not be administered without a doctor’s note, stating it is medically necessary.
Head Lice
Children suspected of having head lice may not attend school. Parents will be notified of the situation and asked to pick up their child. The Leon County School Board policy requires that no lice or nits (white eggs) be present when the child returns to school. Proof of treatment must be furnished before the child is readmitted to class.