Cobb Attendance Home Page

  • How to request that an absence be excused

    If a child is absent from school, parents/guardians need to provide documentation for the absence to be excused. Notes from medical personnel are acceptable as always. If the note is written by a parent or guardian, it needs to include the following information:

    • Student’s name
    • Date of absence
    • Reason for absence
    • Your name

    If possible, please submit the documentation by uploading it through the FOCUS portal. In the left navigation column, select "Absences" under your student's name. On the resulting page, you will see a button next to the absence day where you can Scan, Upload, or Take a Picture to submit your note.

    Example of Excuse Note upload page

    If you are unable to submit documentation through Focus, you can email it to or send a physical note with your student when they return to school.