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    I hope everyone is staying safe this summer. 

    Will post some information once the school start date is resolved.


    symbol-physical-education-clipart.png (900×750) | Education ...

















    4th Nine Weeks Distance Learning

    Reminder that all grades will be based on the Online Health terms and the activities you selected from the workout options. There will not be any final exams or other tests.

    If you were not able to finish an assignment by May 22nd, please contact me by email.

    If you left something in your Phys. Ed. locker, we will be available during the Home Room hall locker schedules.


          Health & PE                                                                                                   ** WORK FOR ALL CLASSES DUE MAY 22nd **

    The assignments for all Phys. Ed. classes are posted here, Remind and in Microsoft Teams. Try the Champions workouts with your whole family.   Use the titusprograms.com link.                                  They seem to be the most popular as well as the emoji worksheet.


    1. Keep an updated activity journal to include the following options. Complete three different physical activites from:PE Class Activities listed on the right, or Champions ( https://titusprograms.com ) or the fitness links. You will need to pace yourself, these are due  weekly. 
    2. Define the vocabulary of the week. The vocabulary is also found to the right.

    Remember, physical activity during times like these can help alleviate stress and increase your overall happiness.  Have fun with the activities and keep your journal going.

    You can take a picture and email, scan and email, or create your own word document and log your activities and vocabulary and share the file with me.  If you have questions, do not hesitate to reach out.fun image

PE Class Activities

