Elective Courses

  • Each student must take 4 core courses per year in order to move on to the next grade. These classes include Math, ELA (English Language Arts), Science, and Social Studies. The remaining two classes on their schedule are called electives. 6th Grade Magnet Students use one of their electives for a Science and Technology Exploration class, so they will only request one elective course for their 6th grade year.

    Students and their families have input into which electives they will take each year. While we cannot guarantee each student will be placed in their #1 choice of elective, much care is taken to ensure that electives are valuable, enjoyable, and pique students' interest. Students and their families provide input using the Elective Course Request Forms. Please make sure all Elective Course Request Forms are turned in by the due date. For questions, please contact Mrs. Jameeka Wallace (wallacej@leonschools.net)

    The Elective Course Request Forms are available at the bottom of this page for download in PDF format. Remember to choose the grade level that your student will be attending in the Fall.

    The fine print: Each student enrolled in a Leon County middle school must complete three courses each of Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies prior to promotion to high school. Course levels for Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies will be determined by teacher recommendations, FSA scores, prognosis testing, and current academic standings. A Course Verification Form will be sent home to confirm student placement/selection prior to the end of this school year. No schedule change requests will be honored after the first week of the new school year. Parents and students must sign each part of the course request form and return it by the indicated due date. The master schedule is based upon the courses assigned or selected on the course request form. For this reason, changes to schedules will not be made once the scheduling process is completed without a justifiable reason for making the change. A change of mind regarding an elective choice, classroom peers, or classroom locations will not be honored. Students not returning the course request form will have electives assigned by the administration. 

2022-2023 Elective Courses