- Cobb Middle
- How to Support Your Student
Acree, Hannah - Agriculture & Magnet
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Ways to Support Your Student in STEM Class
Best Practices
As a parent, you can stay in the loop and support your student by doing the following things:
- Check in on your student at least weekly by checking their grades and having them show you their progress in Canvas.
- Make sure you have joined our Remind class.
- Remind Course Codes can be found in the Class Info Module in Canvas
- Check the weekly agenda in Canvas
- Regularly check grades- Focus is the final grade, Canvas can show completion.
- Review this page for common support and email Ms. Acree if you have questions
- Email: acreeh@leonschools.net
Using Canvas
- All of our assignments and instructions can be found in Canvas.
- Most assignments are submitted digitally, so both parents and students can review their work in Canvas.
- Each assignment has written directions, and depending on the assignment, video tutorials as well.
- The Modules are broken up into "Today's Activities" at the top with current and past modules underneath. We are currently working in the Science Fair and Intro to STEM Modules
- Canvas Tour Video
To provide parents and students with the most insight into their grades this class is utilizing both Canvas and Focus to view grades. Please read below to see how each grade book is used.
Focus:- Focus is the official grade book and will be updated weekly.
Canvas:- Canvas is not the official grade book being used and does not match perfectly with Focus.
- Canvas provides faster and more detailed feedback than Focus.
- Students and parents can see which assignments have been submitted, which are waiting to be graded, student submissions, and comments regarding the student's submissions.
- If students and parents are not viewing the Canvas Grades, you are missing out on lots of insight into student's progress.
Grading Practices:
- My plan is to update Focus weekly on Thursday evenings, if you would like more up to date grades, please check Canvas
- If an assignment is submitted late, late assignments are graded after all on-time work.
Science Fair
- Students have a digital SF Notebook file that they keep all of their SCiecne Fair work in. This acts like a workbook or binder for their work on this project.
- Each Science Fair assignment is included in the SF Notebook, and has its own assignment in Canvas.
- To complete and submit Science Fair Assignments, students should check directions for the individual assignment in Canvas, complete the assignment in the SF Notebook, then copy their work to a submission on the Canvas assignment.All Science Fair assignments:
- have been discussed in class, and students have been provided detailed instructions, that may include video instructions, rubrics, and examples.
- have feedback in Canvas Grades if points were lost describing why points were lost and often times there are suggestions for corrections.
- are still open and available in Canvas for revision and resubmission.
- Can be accessed in the Science Fair Module in Canvas
Getting Extra Help
- During each class period, at the end of instructions, students are encouraged to ask any questions that they have about the assignment. There is also time for independent work in each class period, during which students are encouraged to ask individual questions and get one-on-one help.
- Wednesday morning Help Sessions are available from 8:45 am- 9:25 am for students to work on missing work, get organized, or get one-on-one help.
- There have already been two of these this year.
- Students can send a Canvas message that should include what they are working on and what they need assistance with, these are usually answered within the bussiness day.