• Kindergarten Readiness Expectations
    Prior to kindergarten, your child should be able to:

    Approaches to Learning

    • Ask questions about things in the classroom.

    Social and Emotional Development

    • Follow simple classroom rules and routines.
    • Put materials away in designated places during clean-up time.
    • Manage transitions (change activities or move place-to-place in an orderly manner).
    • Play cooperatively with other children.
    • Seek adult assistance appropriately.
    • Seek adult help when needed to resolve conflicts.


    Language and Communication

    • Ask questions and add information related to current topics of conversation.


    Emergent Literacy (Early Reading, Writing, Language, Listening, and Speaking Behaviors)

    • Identify concepts of print
      Identify the front/back of the book.
      Identify the title of the book.
      Identify the first word on the page of a book.
    • Comprehension
      Make predictions during a story.
      Answer questions about story elements (who, where, what happened, etc.).
      Retell a story or experience (telling, drawing, and dramatic play).
    • Writing
      Use scribble to convey a message.
      Use known letters and approximations of letters to represent written language.
      Write own name (e.g., first name, last name), not necessarily with full correct spelling or well-formed letters, using capital and lower- case letters.
      Identify a minimum of ten lower- and upper-case letters of the alphabet.
      Recognize written name.
      Recognize basic category labels used in classroom.

    Mathematical and Scientific Thinking

    • Number Sense
      Point one-to-one while counting objects to ten or higher.
      Count two different sets of objects (ten through15) and determine which set has more or less.


    • Number and Operations
      Name “how many” are in a group of objects after counting up to ten objects.


    • Patterns and Series of Patterns
      Create simple patterns using colors, shapes, or sounds.
      Distinguish between a pattern and a non-pattern.
      Sort objects into groups by one attribute (color, shape, size, etc.).


    • Geometry
      Identify circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles in various forms.
      Build shapes with objects (i.e., craft sticks, play dough, etc.).
      Spatial Reasoning
      Place objects above, below, next to, beside, inside, or outside.


    • Measurement
      Answer simple questions about real and pictorial graphs.


    Scientific Thinking

    • Inquiry
      Describe observations using simple tools, such as a magnifying glass or magnets.


    Social Studies and the Arts

    • Human Interdependence
      Give simple explanations of what community workers do.


    • Expression and Representation
      Use a variety of materials (i.e., crayons, various sized pencils, clay, markers) to create original work.
      Respond to music of various tempos through movement.


    Motor Development

    • Gross Motor Development
      Run, jump, kick, and throw during play.


    • Fine Motor Development
      Use fine motor tools without assistance (i.e., scissors, markers, various sized pencils, tape, clothes pins).