- Astoria Park Elementary
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Current Assignments
There are no current assignments.
Past Due Assignments
Holidays Around the World Rubric
The rubric used for grading the Holiday Around the World paper use it as a guide to make sure you have all the information presented for the maximum amount of points.
5th Grade Current Event
Students should choose a topic of their choice that is happenening in the news at this time, and fill in the information on the current event sheet. Please contact me if there are any questions. Due: May 20, 2020
4th Grade Florida County Project
On the document it says assigned state it should say assigned county. Students may choose a county of their choice, but no one is to do Leon County. Once it is completed please take a picture iof the posterboard and write up and email them to me at mimsk@leonschools.net .
Three Branches of Government
Please view powerpoint and complete packet.
Social Studies - The Three Branches of Government - Responsibilities and Authorities.ppt 673.5 KB (Last Modified on April 27, 2020)