• Classroom news Important Classroom Information: Classroom News

    Arrival at School:

    The school day begins at 8:30 and ends at 2:50.  Supervision is provided from 7:45am to 3:20pm. Students who arrive to school after 8:30 will be marked tardy, and parents will need to accompany children to the office to get a late pass.



    Our class will go to lunch from 11:20-11:45.  School lunch is now free for every child at W.T. Moore!  


    When sending any money to school, please put it in an envelope in the front of your child’s B.E.E. Folder. Also, please label the outside of the envelope with your child’s name and what the money is for.  Make checks payable to W. T. Moore.


    Change of Transportation:


    Please send a note if your child is to leave school by any means other than his or her usual method of transportation.  I will not be able to send a child home a different way unless a parent/guardian has sent in a written note or notified the front office of the transportation change.



    Please see the  list of supplies needed for this school year on the WT Moore Website.  Please do not label your child’s items with his or her name.  We share many of these items.  However, please DO label your child’s pencil box.  Please try to have supplies at school by August 17th. 


    GAME Folders:


    The GAME Folder is a durable, blue folder that your child will use everyday to develop organizational skills and learn to become responsible for returning items daily.  First grade continues the foundation of responsibility that was built last year.  It is important to teach children how to keep up with communications between home and school.  This book is a way of helping your child be accountable for those communications.  The focus is to eliminate lost notes, newsletters, calendars, and homework as well as keep parents and students informed of important events and academic progress.  Want to know what the "buzz" is in first grade?  Check your GAME  Folder every day! 


    Special Area Schedule:


    Our class will go to special area each day from 10:20-11:05.  We will be on a 6 day rotation

    Media, Music,PE, Spanish,Art,Computer Lab








     A conference with each parent will be held near the end of the first nine weeks.  In the meantime, please feel free to call, email  or send me a Remind message if needed. My email address is leggettj@leonschools.net





     We will have a working snack each afternoon.  Students are responsible for bringing their own snack from home.  Please remember to send your child with a healthy snack every day. Examples are carrots, cheese crackers, pretzels, etc. Please do not send in sugar filled snacks because they do not help in keeping your child focused on their behavior and academics. 



     If your child needs to take any medication at school, it must be handled by the clinic.  Please complete a me

    dication form in the front office when you drop off the medication.  Do not send medicine in your child’s lunchbox or backpack.


    Parents, do you want to stay up to date on the most important information happening at W. T. Moore?  Please take a moment to join our Listserv!  Important emails are sent frequently and the only way that you can receive them is if you join. Please visit our school website at https://www.leonschools.net/moore , click on Listserv in the upper right corner of the page, and follow the steps to join. Thank you!