Construction Update

We are thrilled to share updates on our construction in regard to the growth and improvement of our beloved school! In line with our commitment to providing a safe, nurturing, and engaging learning environment for our students, this construction project has embarked us on a journey to enhance our facilities, which will also greatly impact the quality of learning for our students. A huge shout out to our teachers, staff, and students for being resilient and flexible during this time!


🚧 We are over half way done already- YAY!

🚧 Safety is our FIRST priority. Our entire campus is receiving a new interior sprinkler system for fire safety.

🚧 Four classroom centers (5th, 4th, 3rd, and what previously housed 2nd) are complete and consist of new and improved closed in classrooms, restrooms, and technology.

🚧 The 1st grade center is currently undergoing construction. They will be housed in renovated classrooms until their center is complete.

🚧 Kindergarten will be the final pod undergoing construction. Construction will not begin until after the 1st grade pod is complete.

🚧 Look for new flooring throughout our main building!! That project will be completed over the summer and will include some beautiful upgrades to our cafeteria!

🚧 More updates to come! Feel free to contact the office for any further questions or concerns.