- Springwood Elementary
- About Us
What is PTO?
The Parent Teacher Organization is comprised of parents of Springwood students, teachers, staff and administrators.
What is the goal of PTO?
The purpose of the Springwood PTO is to support the education of students and foster a cooperative relationship between parents, teachers, support staff, school administrators and the surrounding community. Our goal for the upcoming school year is Rebuilding the Village: School - Community – Partnership. We are looking forward to fostering newer and stronger relationships in the Springwood community.
When are meetings?
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month and are in person or on Zoom. Changes and updates of meeting information including location and time are sent at least a week in advance.
In person –
Springwood Media Center 6 p.m.
Meeting ID: 821 8135 0943
Passcode: swes
How Can I get involved?
- Sign up through Sign-Up Genius
- Attend our regular PTO meetings
How do I contact PTO?
You can email us at springwoodelempto@gmail.com