Happy Day, Fourth graders! The 4th Grade Team would like to extend a warm, Pineview welcome to our students and parents. We are excited for the 2020 - 2021 school year! While some students will attend brick & mortar, we are excited for this new adventure into online learning.
As you navigate our grade level website, you will find additional resources for learning and the contact information for your teacher.
On our "Celebrate Students" tab, we will be highlighting students every week that are exceeding their goals in Reflex, AR, IReady, and more.
Work hard to make gains in your scores to see yourself featured here!
In "Resources" you can find additional websites and worksheets that you can complete to improve your skills and fluency in our fourth grade topics.
Make sure you have signed up to receive Remind messages from your teacher to stay up to date on assignments and news from our school.
Shine bright and make us proud Fourth Grade!
-Mrs. Ross, Dr. Walker, and Ms. Daniel