
  • Sealey Elementary Math
    and Science Magnet School

     Sealey Elementary
    School has a long and colorful history. It is the second Leon County School to
    be named in recognition of a prior figure in Tallahassee educational history.
    Romero Mitchell Sealey, served successfully as the Superintendent of Ft. Myers
    City School (1917), State Supervisor of Secondary Education, and Secretary of
    the Florida Education Association.

     The school was
    originally built in 1930 at 234 E. 7th Avenue, which is now the site of the
    Tallahassee Police Department. It was rebuilt in 1969 in its current location
    at 2815 Allen Road. The new building contained six open-design learning centers
    housing kindergarten through fifth grades, a media center, music and art rooms,
    cafeteria and an administrative suite. In 1983 walls were erected between
    classrooms as sound and sight barriers. In 1989, four new buildings were added
    to the original structure. The new buildings house an art and music suite, two
    computer labs and exceptional student education classrooms.
    In December, 2000,
    Sealey Elementary was given the designation of Magnet School status from the
    Leon County School Board. Sealey is the only math and science magnet school in
    Leon County. The math and science curriculum was transformed from a traditional
    curriculum into inquiry-based learning experiences through the use of hands-on
    material and technology.
    Principals who have
    served Sealey

    D.P. Folsom     1930-33
    R.C. Moon     1933-38
    W.B. Marshall     1938-42
    M.O. Harrison     1942-58
    J.M. Gilchrist     1958-66
    J. MacElwee     1966-73
    W. Ferrell     1973-80
    F. Voran     1980-97
    B. Innes     1997-99
    K. Hamilton     1999-2000
    T. Inserra      2000-2007
    D. Clemons     2007-Present

     Sealey's present
    staff consists of principal, Demetria Clemons, assistant principal Leslie Moore, 
    secretary, registrar, bookkeeper, nineteen Pre-K through 5th teachers, four 
    exceptional education teachers, three educational resource teachers, one part-time 
    gifted teacher, a physical education teacher, a music teacher, an art teacher, 
    a school counselor, a media specialist, a fulltime school social worker, a full-time reading coach, and a speech-language 