

    Chaires Elementary School PTO

    PTO stands for Parent Teacher Organization.  Our goals are to encourage interaction between family and school, serve as a source of support, and work with teachers, staff, and the community at large to improve our children’s educational experience.

    Our PTO is made up of an executive board consisting of Parent Volunteers, Teachers, and School Administration, as well as the General Membership.

    The PTO is a tax-exempt organization that operates exclusively on funds generated by Booster donations, PTO sponsored events, and money earned on the assets of the PTO. (Bank Dividends)


    PTO Current Officers

    President: Allyne Smith

    Secretary: Audrey Kidwell

    Treasurer: Violet Darby

    Co-Secretary: Jen Jacques

    Co-Treasurer: Nicole Lee

    Events Coordinator: Tracie Davis

    Fundraising Coordinator: Stacy Ball

    Volunteer Coordinator: Brenda Richmond

    Business Partner/Booster Coordinator: Vacant

    Community Partners/Outreach Coordinator: Vacant

    Marketing and Communications Coordinator: Jeremy Smith

    Auction Coordinator: Jessica Brown


      Annual PTO Sponsored Events

        (and this year’s anticipated dates)

    Grand Panther's Day – September 6
    Donuts with Dudes – October 18

    First Responder’s Luncheon – October 28
    Veteran’s Day Luncheon – November 8
    The Princess Ball – December 13
    Polar Express Day – December 20
    Muffins with Ma‘ams – January 31
    Panther Prowl – February 8
    Field Day – March 7
    Teacher Appreciation Week – May

    PTO Sponsored Fundraisers
    Monthly Blue Pops, Bruster’s
    Lucky Goat Coffee
    Various Share Nights:
    Blaze Pizza, Skate World, Texas Roadhouse,
    Uncle Maddio’s Pizza, Civic Center Events




    THURSDAY, AUGUST 29 AT 6:30 IN THE CAFETERIA! (after Open House)

    You may direct any questions to
    Follow the PTO on Facebook!

PTO Announcements

PTO Board and ByLaws

Minutes & Newsletters

PTO Calendar