When transferring from one school to another within Leon County

  • Student Transfer from one LCS School to another LCS School:

    *All students must have proven their address for the new Leon County School before being withdrawn from the current Leon County School.  A withdrawal checklist will be submitted by the current school's Admissions Liaison once proof of address has been verified.  Exception: Students entering from JDC.

     Parents/Guardians need to:

    • See acceptable proofs at Student Documentation Requirements - Proof of Residency
    • Notify the current school of the intent to withdraw, including student name, student number, and parent ID (parent may email or go in person)
    • Update contact information at the current school, for example; contact permissions, phone numbers, and emails
    • Return books, electronics, and any other school materials (in person)
    • Contact your new zoned school’s Enrollment Team to submit your updated proof of residency, confirm your school zone, and to complete the re-enrollment process.

     *Please allow the withdrawing school 24 hours to complete the requested withdrawal.

Important Documents