• 3rd Grade

    Hello families! We are excited to be working together with you as we embark on a new way of learning & teaching. As we begin this new process, we are asking you to have flexibililty, compassion, grace, and patience. This is a new experience and way of learning for all of us. If you have any questions or concerns contact your child's teacher and we will work as a team to ensure your child continues to learn and make progress!


    Digital Learning Office Hours: These are the hours each day that we will be fully available to answer any questions, video chat with you, or help you in any way. We will be available other hours of the day, we just might not be able to respond immediately. We are here for you!


    Mrs. Brown: 10am - 12pm Monday-Friday

    Mrs. Engelbrecht: 10am - 12pm Monday-Friday

    Mrs. Lozowski: 10am - 12pm Monday-Friday

    Ms. Russell: 10-11am & 3-4pm Monday-Friday

    Ms. Tookes: 10am - 12pm Monday-Friday


    We Miss You ALL!


    3rd Grade Team