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Propp, Tracy - Science
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Sixth Grade Magnet Science
Week of May 26th through May 29, 2020
Please complete all assigned work to the best of your ability and submit to me by May 29, 2020.
Students I am so sad that we do not get to celebrate your last day of sixth grade together. Please know I am so proud of you all for how well you have done this first year of middle school and I look forward to seeing you all next year at Cobb as Seventh Grade Magnet students!
Mrs. Propp
Sixth Grade Magnet Science
Week of May 18th through May 22, 2020
This week we will continue our understanding & predicting inherited traits by using Punnett Squares.
Video to watch:
https://youtu.be/prkHKjfUmMs - video explaining how to set up and use a Punnett Square
Assignments for the week:
Practice Using A Punnett Square -worksheet with terms review & practice Punnetts (pdf)
Punnett square practice #1- same as above but in (word format)
Punnett Square Practice WS - more practice (pdf)
Punnett Square Practice #2- same as above but in (word format)
Password for test download in TEAMs: propp
Sixth Grade Magnet Science
Week of May 11th through May 15, 2020
Students please make sure you are submitting your work to me either through TEAMs, REMIND, or email
This week we will begin our study of DNA and Inherited Traits. We will begin with understanding how traits are inherited and learn about Gregor Mendel the Father of Genetics--->the D in Dograce!
Assignments for this week are listed below:
Mitosis, Meiosis & Asexual Reproduction Test pdf format
Mitosis, Meiosis & Asexual Reproduction Test word format
Questions on Mendel word format
Reading on Mendel word format
Reading on Mendel- pdf form
Practice Punnett Squares with pea plant traits- word format
Videos to watch:
https://youtu.be/Mehz7tCxjSE- Great video explaining Mendel's experiments
https://youtu.be/i-0rSv6oxSY- AMOEBA SISTERS VIDEO: Mendel's Genetics
https://youtu.be/8m6hHRlKwxY- AMOEBA SISTERS VIDEO: Introduction to DNA, genes, and heredity
Sixth Grade Magnet Science
Week of May 4th through May 8, 2020
Students please make sure you are submitting your work to me and checking your grades as I am trying to enter grades daily.
This week we need to finish all our work for Mitosis and Meiosis. Then we will do a quick study of ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION. Students will compare asexual to sexual reproduction and understand the benefits and limitations associated with these types of Reproduction. I will be posting Wednesday an open notes quiz on Mitosis, Meiosis & Asexual Reproduction that you have one week to complete. Then we will start our studying of the structure of DNA and how traits are passed on from parent to offspring. This is the D in DOGRACE-> REMEMBER all living things have DNA (genetic info) that makes them unique individuals within thier species!
Book Reading and Questions on Asexual Reproduction: Students read and answer the questions on each page throughout the reading. Then complete the unit review qtns at the end of the reading assignment.
Asexual Reproduction Book Content in PDF
Asexual Reproduction Book Content in WORD
Sixth Grade Magnet Science
Week of April 27th through May 1, 2020
Students please make sure you are submitting your work to me! The best way is either via e-mail or remind app or TEAMS.
This week we are studying Meoisis which is how complex organism that must reproduce Sexually make the sex cells either egg or sperm. Without reproduction all species go extinct! Also... make sure you take the Mitosis Quiz shown below and submit back by this Friday, May 1, 2020
This unit is covering the R in DOGRACE which is reproducing to carry on the species!
Students answer all questions throughout the reading in the book and all review questions!
There is also an AMAZING Amoeba Sisters Video on Meoisis
Amoeba Sisters Video
Copies of book pages for Meoisis
Open notes Mitosis Quiz
Meoisis Review Read & Answer
Comparing Mitosis & Meiosis WS
How do Animals Reproduce WS
Sixth Grade Magnet Science
Week of April 20 -April 24, 2020
Please work on your disease brochures and submit to me as you complete them.
(I may send you feedback before I actually assess if I see you have empty spaces or your info in incomplete)
This is the Growth and Development part of DOGRACE this explains how living things make more body cells for growth and repair (not reproductive cells)
Amoeba Sisters Video on Mitosis
Amoeba Sisters Video on Cell Cycle and Cancer Cells
Cell Reproduction Reading Content
Reproduction work as WORD document
I have altered the PDF version of this week's work to a WORD document for students to open and put answers on it then submit back to me through TEAMS or e-mail!
FOR THE WEEK OF APRIL 13 through APRIL 17, 2020:
Please start sending me your completed work via- TEAMS, e-mail or using the Remind App. You can also scan and fax work to the school!
Magnet Sixth Grade Work: Disease Brochure- all details, requirements and examples are located in TEAMS (assignments) or under Important Documents Tab HERE under "Meet the Teacher"
If you need me use remind, e-mail or teams!
Remind Codes:
SIXTH GRADE MAGNET: 1st period- @6accd767ba 3rd period-@89c9ca8d3e 5th period- @d8d9a3e8kd
SEVENTH GRADE ADVANCED: 2nd period- @bbgc86gh27 6th period- @63fdka4gee
OFFICE HOURS: M-F 10:00 to 3:00 p.m.
All Student Work and Assignments are listed in the IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS section
ACCESS to IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS is an option after clicking on the "Meet the Teacher" tab
I have put on this website in the important documents section the information about your disease brochure project
PLEASE LOOK at this NEXT WEEK in this order:
1. Disease Brochure Project Explanation & Overview
2. Disease Research Visual Organizer & Rubric
3. Disease Brochure Examples
All assignments for my science classes will be posted on this website during this time of distance learning.
My office hours will be daily from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. I will be setting up lecture times for students to view class lecture within the next two weeks per grade level and content.
PLEASE complete the county work packets available to you and submit back to me via e-mail or through the remind app.
If you have any urgent questions please send through the remind app.
Relevant questions I will address as soon as possible via e-mail.
I will be using the website available to all students and parents available through ClassLinks. Also... please make sure you join your student's Class Remind. It is a great APP that lets me notify you and your student about upcoming assignments and events through text messaging! Looking forward to a wonderful year of learning science with you!
All Weekly Agenda post with daily assignments, upcoming due dates, major assessment dates and major project information will be available through Classlinks in your student's Focus.
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Seventh Grade Advanced
Week of May 26th through May 29, 2020
Please submit to me any completed assignments from #1 through assignment #15 by Friday.
Seventh Grade Advanced Students...you did it! We have reached the end of seventh grade together and I am so proud of all of you! I can not wait to see you next year as eighth grade Cobb Cubs! I hope you all have a fun and safe summer break! It has been my pleasure to teach you this year!
Mrs. Propp
Seventh Grade Advanced
Week of May 18th through May 22, 2020
This week we will continue our study of inherited traits and understanding the probabilties of traits getting passed on from parent to offspring.
Video to watch:
https://youtu.be/prkHKjfUmMs -This video explains how to set up & use a Punnett Square
Assignments for the week:
#14- Practice using Punnett Squares (pdf)- punnett square practice #1 in share
#15- Punnett Square Review & Practice (pdf)- punnett square practice #2
#14- Punnett square practice #1 (word format)
#15- Punnett Square Practice #2 (word format)
Seventh Grade Advanced
Week of May 11th through May 15, 2020
Students please make sure you are submitting your work to me either through TEAMs, REMIND app or Email
This week we will begin or study of genetics and heredity.
Assignments for this week:
#12- Questions on Mendel and traits word format
Content on Mendel and his pea plants word format
#13 - Practice with Mendel's pea plant traits and Punnett Squares word format
Videos to watch:
https://youtu.be/i-0rSv6oxSY AMOEBA SISTERS: Mendel's Genetics and Punnett Squares for one trait (monohybrid)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mehz7tCxjSE GREAT REVIEW VIDEO on Mendel's Experiments
Seventh Grade Advanced
Week of May 4th through May 8, 2020
Students please make sure you are submitting all of your completed work to me so I may give you credit! You have this week to get caught up so please do your best!
This week we will finish up our Evolution as a Mechanism of Natural Selection Unit. Please make sure you have finished all assignments #1-10 before you take your test.
Some variations amongst individuals in a population are advantageous while others may not be ---> these allow some individuals of a species to better survive to then reproduce while others do not = Survival of the Fittest!
Special picture to help you during test!
Natural Selection colored flow chart of info
#11 Assignment: Darwin & Natural Selection Test!
Darwin and Natural Selection Test (word)
Darwin and Natural Selection Test (Pdf)
Seventh Grade Advanced
Week of April 27th through May 1, 2020
Students please make sure you are submittng your completed work back to me via e-mail or Remind App or TEAMS (share drive)
This week we will continue learning more about Evolution and how Natural Selection is a mechanism of change over time in a population to survive. Remember it is always about survival of the species or the species goes extinct.
Recommended Vidoes to assist you in your learning:
Amoeba Sisters: Natural Selection
What is Natural Selection?
Below is your work for the week, please do in order:
Assignment #7- Review of Natural Selection- key terms
Assignment #8- Natural Selection Real Life Scenario
Assignment #9- Peppered Moth Activity
Assignment #10- Anatomy & structures of animals are related (pdf)
Anatomy & Structures of Animals are related (word)
For Assignment #9: IMPORTANT
This is an interactive website to visit to help you complete the Peppered Moth Activity. It has a game at the end! Worth checking out!
Seventh Grade Advanced
Week of April 20 - April 24, 2020
THIS WEEK: Finish GTS Unit
Assignment #4- Quick Review on GTS
Assignment #5- Geological Time Scale Test
You will need to read the content about Darwin's Voyage around the world and answer the questions about what he observed and deduced about how and why living things adapt to changes to survive...or they may go extinct
Darwin's Voyage & Natural Selection Reading Content
Assignment #6 - Darwin's Voyage Questions from Reading
Darwin's Voyage Questions in WORD document
I have also included the same questions in a word document but have been unable to allow editing. But if you prefer WORD it is available
Make sure you have submitted to me last week's work
Assignment #1
Assignment #2
Assignment #3