Distance Learning/Teacher Contact

Phone: (850)488-3364


Degrees and Certifications:

BM Central Washington University MM Baylor University DM Florida State University Math 5-9 Certified

Dr. Patricia Crispino

Greetings and salutations!

Hope all are doing well and staying safe in this unusual time.  Feel free to contact me anytime via email, Remind, Teams, or Moby Max.  If you have questions regarding any assignment or topic feel free to send a picture so I know what you're referring to and your question.  I'll do my best to help you understand by either guiding your thought process with clues or by giving you a step by step guide.  I do have in the works a plan to upload videos for you to reference regarding how to work through different types of problems.  Check back frequently!


I will be available for immediate response Monday - Friday 10am - 12 pm & 2pm - 3pm.  What does that mean exactly?  It means I will be at my computer at the ready to respond to any email or Remind/Teams message you send!  If you have questions or just want to chat, I will be available for you every day at this time.


If you are not already receiving text messages from Dr. Crispino, PLEASE sign up!  It is the BEST and quickest way to communicate!
Students - follow instructions here (if you haven't already done so at the beginning of the year).
Parents - Simply text the class code for your class period to 81010.
2nd period: @crispino2
3rd period:  @crispino3
4th period:  @crispino4
5th period:  @crispino5
6th period:  @crispino6